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IPFS News Link • Gun Rights

Gun Rights 101: What exactly is an ‘illegal gun’ that 400 mayors are against?

• The Examiner
In May 2006, a small group of mayors, including ousted Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels, were invited to a “summit” in New York by Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino to found Mayors Against Illegal Guns. The purported idea was to get so-called “illegal guns” off the streets; a lofty goal for sure, but might it not be a better idea to get criminals off the streets instead? Of course, removing a criminal element from society has never been the MAIG goal. This group, which now boasts more than 400 members claiming to represent 56 million American citizens – legions of whom are undoubtedly law-abiding gun owners who are steadfastly opposed to more gun control measures – is only focused on removing what it calls “illegal guns” from society.
