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IPFS News Link • Federal Reserve

Audit The Fed "Dangerous"?

• The Market Ticker
Video "Problematic for the country" Tim? May I educate you on this petty little document you swore an oath to uphold against all enemies, foreign and domestic? The US Constitution, Article I, Section 8: To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures; End of discussion. That power rests in the United States Congress, NOT THE FEDERAL RESERVE OR TREASURY. Congress is free to delegate that power as it sees fit but you are absolutely not empowered to interfere via bluster, threat or any other means Congressional Authority in this regard. If you are unwilling to discharge your oath of office you must resign immediately. If you attempt to subvert The Constitution of The United States you must be impeached, removed from office and, if there is evidence that the $24 trillion you are attempting to cover up the disposition of is in any way linked to any sort of favoritism or game-playing I argue tha

3 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

What a pickle! 

First, we have a government that can't manage the money, so they hand managing of the money over to a company (the FED) owned mostly by foreign entities. 

Then they borrow from the FED and make We the People pay the principal and interest through IRS taxes - a thing that will never be able to be accomplished because of the nature of the money system. 

So what we are doing is constantly getting ourselves deeper in debt. 

Now, somebody wants to audit the FED? 

What in the world for? Since government gave us away to the FED in the first place, what good will auditing them do? How silly! 



Comment by Patriot 2012
Entered on:

Again, we have traitors actually domestic enemy is the real word, in Tim and Ben. Both these men do not serve the American People, only they are puppets for a larger group. Isn't time we ask Congress to shut down the FED RES? Otherwise I can say this, when our Peoples Army marches on DC and takes over, we will see for ourselves the lies and criminal acts by the Fed Res upon the American People and say also to those protecting Tim and Ben, you are also guilty by associating yourselves just as those in Germany did for the Nazi's. We all are dealing with a true enemy for which our Founding Fathers told us to watch for and to purge out asap. Otherwise they continue their criminal acts further just like any ordinary criminal. Forget any explaination of what is going on, a criminal is a Criminal! Period!!!

Comment by Anonymous
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Related... The troubling side of Ben Bernanke He has saved the world but he helped cause the crisis in the first place, writes Ambrose Evans-Pritchard. Ben Bernanke has proved himself a heroic fire-fighter, saving world from a calamitous spiral into debt deflation by showering markets with liquidity. A good thing too. He helped cause the raging fire of 2007-2009 in the first place. As a Princeton professor and then a junior Federal Reserve governor, Mr Bernanke was the intellectual architect of his predecessor Alan Greenspan's policies that so distorted global finance and pushed debt to historic extremes. Indeed, he was picked to join the Fed because he provided academic cover for Greenspan's view that asset bubbles do not matter. He blamed credit excesses on Asia's "saving glut", arguing that reserve accumulation by export nations suppressed global bond yields. That let the Fed off the hook for its own role in driving the US savings rate to zero – and consumption through the roof – by holding interest rates below "Wicksell's Natural Rate". It is this twin-sided nature of Bernanke that raises nagging questions about his reappointment as chairman of the Fed. He has admitted errors: it was wrong to think the sub-prime crisis could be contained. But he has yet to acknowledge that his economic ideology is deeply flawed. Bill White, former chief economist at the Bank for International Settlements, said the error of the central banking fraternity over past 20 years has been to cut real interest rates ever lower to keep the game going. This has lured the world into a debt trap. The effect is to keep drawing prosperity from the future – until the future arrives. "It does the job for a while but moves in interest rates have to be ever more violent to achieve the same effect. My worry is that we may have reached the point where the policy ceases to work altogether. "These imbalances come back to haunt you, and that is where the world now is. People have been induced to bring forward purchases by taking on debt and there has been a massive expansion in corporate investment," he said. Economists call this critique "intertemporal misallocation". It is a favourite of the Austrian School. It plays almost no role in the "New Keynesian" thinking of Bernanke. His reflex is to see any fall in demand as an outside shock to be corrected by extra stimulus. What he does not accept is that the adrenal glands of the economic system have been depleted by perpetual credit stimulus, giving the world a form of Addison's Disease. Bernanke made his name studying the "credit channel" causes of depressions, chiefly drawing on the 1930s. He was quick to see the danger when the financial system had its heart attack on August 20, 2007, the day yields on three-month Treasuries collapsed on flight to safety. He dusted off his manual for fighting slumps – his 2002 speech, Deflation: Making Sure It Doesn't Happen Here – and coolly embarked on monetary revolution. Rates were slashed to zero. The Fed stepped into to prop up the banks, commercial paper, mortgage securities, and finally Treasuries. Nothing like this had been tried before. He did so against fierce resistance from Fed hawks. Only a man so convinced of his mission could have pulled it off. Given his calmness under fire, and his grasp of credit mechanics, it makes sense for President Barack Obama to give him a second term. We are not out of danger. The markets might have taken fright at a political appointee. Yet Bernanke's certainty is troubling. The thrust of his academic writings is that the Depression was a "financial event" that could have been avoided if the Fed had flooded the economy with money (by bond purchases) to prevent a banking crash. This theory – half-Friedmanite – has merits. The Fed made horrible mistakes. But it neglects other causes of the slump: industrial over-capacity created by the 1920s bubble, so like today. It also led to the Greenspan doctrine that central banks can let stock market and housing booms run their course, stepping in to "clean up afterwards". Bernanke spelled out the policy bluntly in his 2002 speech. "The US Government has a technology, called a printing press, that allows it to produce as many US dollars as it wishes at essentially no cost," he said. The "no cost" flippancy grates now. Washington says the damage will lift the US federal debt by $9 trillion (£5.5 trillion) over the next decade, pushing the total towards 100pc of GDP. In any case, the Fed cannot use this machinery so easily after all. Foreigners own 40pc of US Treasury debt and have a partial veto on the policy. Overt attempts to "monetise" US debt will cause the policy to short-circuit. Investors will dump US bonds. Bernanke's theoretical model is clearly wrong – since he was blind-sided two years ago – and must lead him into fresh error. The risk is that he will mismanage the Fed's "exit strategy" by tightening policy too soon on the false assumption that recovery is secure. He knows this was the Fed blunder of 1936-1937, but also seems to think he has basically licked our Great Recession of 2008-2009. Has he really? As Mark Twain put it: "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so."