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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

Cash for Clunkers is About Clunking the Economy

• Economic Policy Journal
Money misdirected towards new cars, when the old ones are fine, is money that will not be available for investment in other sectors of the economy, where it would naturally flow. It is Obama solidifying the vote of the financially unsophiticated--while he props up the union infiltrated auto industry--all the while distorting the natural flow of the economy.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

 Well, I totally disagree with that theory or statement that the money is going towards new cars when the old ones are fine.  Nobody with an old car - or as defined by this bill 'a clunker' - can afford to buy a new car.  Think about it logically, if you drive one of those pre-historic Cadillacs or Impalas from the 70s or 80s that are about a mile long and take 2 oil wells to fill them up, there's a reason why you're still driving that piece of shit and it ain't because you want to make a fashion statement but because you can't afford anything else and if you can't afford something better or newer, that means that you also can't afford a brand new car all of which are running over $20,000 a piece.  So this is asinine at its best.

Now, the second scenario and more realistic one, is that all those damn hypocrites with their $60 and &70k super SUVs with the Jaysus fish stuck to the back are the only ones trading in for smaller cars and, if they can afford a car at that obsene price, I'm quite sure that they don't need the $4,500 discount for the trade. 

So, as always, this is another one of those great NASA projects where they take from the poor to give to the rich.  Now, eventually, we'll have to give up something else we don't have or pay even more for something that sucks, just to make up for the deficit created by this grand gesture.