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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

Tired Of The Pumpers? So is Janet Tavakoli

• The Market Ticker
Reprinted from here; no comment necessary. This deserves wide distribution, and as such, guess what - I'm going to help in that endeavor. Janet is one of the true bright lights when it comes to matters finance, which of course makes her persona-non-grata at the table of ideas when it comes to actually addressing what has gone wrong, and how to prevent it from happening again - just as is the case for the "evil bloggers" such as myself and Zerohedge. The reason is quite simple: When you stop lying and intentionally obfuscating the facts you come to an inescapable conclusion: This event in our financial system was no accident, and those who are being touted as firemen who "put it out" in fact were the arsonists who set the fire in the first place. Wake up America....
