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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

The Biggest Bailout you haven't heard about!!

• My Budget 360
 Last week a story which gained very little traction hit the financial newswires. The US Treasury is working on an internal project informally called "Plan C" which seeks to deal with further problems in the economy before they occur. 

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Comment by Lucky Red
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 If nothing else, here are two things I've learned from government:

1.  By the time they admit to something, they've been pulling it off for years.

2.  If the admit and/or disclose any figures, you can bet your sweet behind that the real number is at least twice what they're claiming.


So, in short, there's nothing new here.  What we saw was staged (like 9/11), we saw what they wanted us to see, the story is in what we didn't see, what went on behind our backs.  Now, uncover that and you'll have the story of a lifetime on your hands.