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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

The Great Reset: United States on the verge of a Soviet style collapse

 "The solid truth is that the United States in it's own way has reached the point where the Soviet Union was just prior to it's collapse. That is exactly where the United States is, the systemic collapse has occurred"...

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

 I couldn't agree more and the bailouts are the proof.  They wanted to transfer all the wealth from the poor to the rich before it was all over.  They will leave very fat and happy cats indeed

Comment by AnAJLibertyLover
Entered on:

These videos are awesome.  This Warren Pollock has done a great job laying out and describing the state of the nation.  I am only on the second video so far and look forward to the rest to hear his proposed solutions.