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IPFS News Link • Law Enforcers or Peace Officers

The Police Beat

• Rad Geek
Torture, killings, property damage, rape . . . just another week on the force. 

3 Comments in Response to

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

I am unaware of what transpires on RonPaulForums.  But banning someone who rankles your commenters seems foolish to me.  The "cop" is at worst a stimulous for your readership.  Why discourage that?

Comment by MadJoker
Entered on:

Police stick together. Just go to a funeral and watch the parade, how many cars follow? I am not afraid of the once peace keeper, now THUG; In fact I have no hesitation to defend myself by every means possible to this homegrown threat of my LIBERTY, MY COUNTRY. Come, try and make me lick your boot, you will lick mine. My Liberty or your death, the choice is yours. 

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

Crap man. I saw the 4409 "Kick in the head" video on YouTube earlier. Two of the officers "high five" each other after brutalizing a suspect.

I also saw a guy who self-identified as a cop get verbally brutalized and banned from RonPaulForums for pretty much just stating the facts of his professional life. The guy was just laying it out pure and simple. I think he was reaching out to us but no, he was the hated cop. People jumped all over him.