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IPFS News Link • Criminal Justice System

Alleged Nazi Cleared For Deportation

• AP
CLEVELAND – A federal appeals court opened the way again Friday for the Justice Department to deport alleged Nazi death camp guard John Demjanjuk to Germany to face 29,000 counts of accessory to murder.

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Comment by Powell Gammill
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Mr. Demjanjuk may be guilty of all the things they say. However, our government identified him as "Ivan the Terrible," ain charge of a Nazi Death Camp. Villified in the press per their masters PR, given several perfunctory and apparently cursory judical hearings by rubber stamp US judges stripped him of his citizenship, shipped him to Israel for trial where he spent many months in jail and was eventually found NOT to be Ivan the Terrible, and shipped back to the USA.

How embarrassing. So now the government would like you to believe Demjanjuk was a concentration camp guard responsible for the death of 29,000 people. Perhaps so. But forgive me if I don't believe you after your previous assurances of his true identity. And your obvious motive for removing an public embarrassment who can sue you. Railroad job.

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