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IPFS News Link • Criminal Justice System

Siege of Venezuelan Jews Shows Wisdom of the 2nd Amendment

From Venezuela's Jews Fear More Attacks As Chavez' Anti-Israel Campaign Intensifies (Associated Press, 2/6/09): As President Hugo Chavez intensifies his anti-Israel campaign, some Venezuelans have taken action, threatening Jews in the stre

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Comment by Farm Wars
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Hi Glenn,

I write for some liberal publications, and what I have noticed is that the same people who rant about how people are prejudiced against Muslims have absolutely no problem venting hatred towards Jews. Hatred is hatred. When I post something regarding the plight of the approximately 9000 Jews who were ethnically cleansed from Gaza, have lost everything and are still living in tents courtesy of the Israeli government, I get comments such as "So what? It was only a token cleansing." Such hypocrisy eludes me.

Unfortunately, I see things getting worse as time go on, and the 2nd amendment will become more and more important as violence increases. The lawless ones who use violence against others are not the ones who are affected adversely by gun control, but the people trying to protect themselves and their families are the ones who will be placed in permanent "victim" status if their guns are taken away and they have no defense.