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Jesse Ventura's three day visit to the valley helps wakens more and more people to the truth of

Two new video clip show the impact one individual can have awakening the public.

3 Comments in Response to

Comment by Ron Moss
Entered on:

Constitutional change is needed, Start by reading it. "Natural Born Citizens" Both candidated are unqualified. Atticles of Ratifacation Disqualify many members of Congress. And "Congress shall coin money and regulate the value there of" How did the bankers steal that duty from Congress?

Comment by Hawkeye
Entered on:

Jesse is already talking about doing what 85% of Americans don`t won`t....filling our country with "Illegal Aliens".How is that for "Impact of one Individual"
OH Yeah!! why don`t you ever mention the fact that NO BODIES were found at the PA crash know,that little hole in the ground.The "NTSB" didn`t even find "Blood" at the fake crash.The "NTSB" even called back to ask "Why did you send us here" why don`t you mention that?
These are the questions you should ask if you want America to understand 911,and the truth.
Then you,'One Individual" can have a much greater impact.
The other day at your "Interview",one of the reporters kept referring to the "Engineers" in an attempt to discredit you.
Why don`t you ask the "Engineers" why engines weighing in at several tons each can hit a wall at 450 MPH and not leave one scratch,and! leave windows unbroken?
Ask them how a "Fiberglass Nose Cone" can penetrate several yards of concrete and stay intact.
YOU should make Americans aware of these things.Right now,Americans are the most IGNORANT people on can help change that,if you ask the right questions.

Comment by Fascist Nation
Entered on:
Hey even the Phoenix New Times was impressed enough and delighted that they could call you a bunch of screwballs again!


Golly gee willikers Opie, Mr. Greenjeans is gonna be mad. "Screwballs?" Doesn't the "anti-establishment" (haha) paper have anyone on staff under the age of 50? Thanks for the notice, and the name calling. It is nice to know you are paying attention.