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Radio/TV • Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Program Date:

04-06-16 -- Stephen Lendman - Paige Peterson - Luke Rudkowski -- (VIDEO & MP3s LOADED)

Stephen Lendman (Progressive businessman, writer) on 'The Dark Forces Behind Anti-Trumpism'- Paige Peterson (Communications & Outreach @ MaidSafe) provides an update on the decentralized internet - Luke Rudkowski - Updating us on what is going on wit
Media Type: Audio • Time: 175 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Stephen Lendman
Media Type: Audio • Time: 63 Minutes and 00 Secs
Guests: Paige Peterson
Topics: MaidSafe.Net
Media Type: Audio • Time: 58 Minutes and 46 Secs
Guests: Luke Rudkowski

Hour 1 - 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 175 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Stephen Lendman

Hour 1 -- Stephen Lendman (Progressive businessman, writer) on 'The Dark Forces Behind Anti-Trumpism'

Hour 2 -- Paige Peterson (Communications & Outreach @ MaidSafe) provides an update on the decentralized internet 

Hour 3 -- Luke Rudkowski - Updating us on what is going on with 

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April 6th, 2016

Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock

on LRN.FM / Monday - Friday

9 a.m. - Noon (EST)

Studio Line: 602-264-2800 


Hour 1

2016-04-06 Hour 1 Stephen Lendman from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Stephen Lendman



Stephen's previous interviews on the Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show:




Dark Forces Behind Anti-Trumpism


by Stephen Lendman

America is a one-party state with two wings, its bipartisan supported rogue state agenda threatening world peace, its money controlled electoral process too corrupted to fix.

Democracy is pure fantasy. Voters have no say whatever. Party bosses complicit with Wall Street, war profiteers and other corporate interests decide who'll be president, hold top congressional posts and be chosen for the nation's courts, notably its highest.

Government in America serves its privileged class exclusively. No matter who succeeds Obama, the incumbent will follow tradition.

Trump is like the rest. His unorthodox style makes him appear different. He didn't become a billionaire by being anti-establishment.

His one redeeming quality is he's less likely to start WW III than Clinton. As a businessman, he'd rather make money than war, but make no mistake.

America has been at war internally and/or abroad every year in its history since before gaining independence from Britain - notably post-9/11 in multiple theaters.

Trump won't change a thing. Wars of aggression called democracy building and humanitarian intervention will continue - at best maybe fewer in number than if Clinton succeeds Obama, the most recklessly pro-war US political operative in memory.

Power brokers oppose Trump because he sounds anti-establishment, unsure if they can entirely control him.

He's used to being boss, likely unwilling to let others do his decision-making, the way Washington works.

Big money is mobilized to stop him. Protests targeting his rallies are staged. Paid operatives are involved.

Congressional Trump supporter Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) says they're part of the "Democrat playbook…There's no question. These are paid protesters…not a bunch of college kids showing up because they've got an issue here or there."

A previous article explained longtime Democrat party supporter George Soros' involvement, financing anti-Trump protests, planning disruptive actions in April.

Republican Big Money aims to derail him, perhaps part of a bipartisan effort. Reports suggest people are being paid to protest.

Arizona resident Paul Horner said he was paid "$3,500 to protest Trump's rally in Fountain Hills" (AR).

He "answered a Craigslist ad…about a group needing actors for a political event. (He) interviewed with them and got the part."

He thinks Hillary Clinton's campaign hired him, saying "(t)he actual check I received after I was done with the job was from a group called 'Women Are The Future.' "

"After I was hired, they told me if anyone asked any questions about who I was with or communicated with me in any way, I should start talking about how great Bernie Sanders is."

"Almost all of the people I was protesting with I had seen at my interview and training class." 

"At the rally, talking with some of them, I learned they only paid Latinos $500, Muslims $600 and African Americans $750." 

"I don't think they were looking for any Asians. Women and children were paid half of what the men got and illegals received $300 across the board." 

"I think I was paid more than the other protesters because I was white and had taken classes in street fighting and boxing a few years back."

Horner explained he and others completed a six-hour training class before Trump's scheduled rally, instructed on how to act.

Republicans have been involved in their own dirty tricks. So far, everything thrown at Trump hasn't stuck. 

He's a deplorable choice for president but so are the other duopoly aspirants, Clinton arguably the most ruthless and dangerous.

Most likely, she and Trump will contest for the presidency in November. Days earlier, Politico called Trump's Republican adversaries "dazed and demoralized," millions of dollars spent to undermine him so far failed.

"(T)here's growing worry" that using a brokered convention to stop him "could be traumatic for the party," said Politico.

He's far and away the most popular Republican choice. Manipulating convention delegates to stop him could be hugely disruptive, conceding the election to Clinton.

Perhaps Republican power brokers prefer her to a Trump administration.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

Hour 2

Media Type: Audio • Time: 63 Minutes and 00 Secs
Guests: Paige Peterson
Topics: MaidSafe.Net

Hour 2 -- Paige Peterson (Communications & Outreach @ MaidSafe) provides an update on the decentralized internet


Hour 2

2016-04-06 Hour 2 Paige Peterson from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Paige Peterson - In Studio


Communications, Outreach and Wed Development @  MaidSAFE

Paige is an advocate for open standards, user privacy and decentralized technologies. After receiving a BFA practicing experimental tech art with a strong focus on complexity in nature, her interest was drawn towards political and technological activism centering around concepts and tools for individual empowerment. Her interest in decentralized technologies like mesh networking and bitcoin grew quickly which was soon followed by a strong interest in digital privacy and security. In early 2014, Paige met MaidSafe, a company building an open, secure, peer-to-peer Internet and she has been working on various communication efforts with them ever since.



Paige's previous interviews on the Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show:


About MaidSafe:

SAFE Network Introduction:

Who we are –

Started in 2006 by Scottish engineer David Irvine, MaidSafe is a small team, comprised of: thinkers, inventors, tinkerers, PHDs, engineers and designers. Although based in Troon, Scotland, we have drawn talents from many different cultures and countries, reflecting the users that we serve. Despite this variety, we all share a mission: a desire to provide security and privacy for everyone.

A secure home for all your data.

Welcome to the SAFE (Secure Access For Everyone) Network, a new Secure way to access a world of existing apps where the security of your data is put above all else. Downloading the free SAFE software will provide access to: messaging, apps, email, social networks, data storage, video conferencing, and much more.

Crowd-sourced Internet

Rather than using data centres and servers which are prone to data theft and surveillance, as is common on today's Internet, the SAFE Network uses advanced peer-to-peer technology that joins together the spare computing capacity of all SAFE users, creating a global network. You can think of SAFE as a crowd-sourced Internet. It is on this network that everyone's data and applications reside.

All you need to do to join this network is to download the free SAFE software, create your account and tell the network how much storage space you are going to provide. It's that simple!

The service that pays you!

By providing your unused computing resources to SAFE, you will be paid in a network token called safecoin. To start earning, download the free SAFE software, create your account and tell the network how much storage space you are going to provide.

Over time, the SAFE vault on your computer will start to fill up with network data, and as a consequence your virtual wallet will automatically start receiving safecoin. You can use the safecoin you've earned to pay for other services on the network, or convert them to another currency via a SAFE currency exchange.

Coming soon...

The network is in the advanced stage of testing, but not quite ready for prime time. Be the first to know, subscribe to our forum and blog and follow us on Twitter for updates and launch news.



MaidSafe Dev Update 5th April 2016

As everyone who regularly follows these updates will be aware, getting the MVP out is taking a bit longer than we all expected; just now this is mainly due to bugs that we are seeing with uTP, issues that are not reproduced using TCP. So as the Crust team continues to work on these issues the decision has been taken to slightly change direction with the MVP and initially release a TCP only MVP. This may require a little more manual set-up from the user side, but it was felt better to keep the rolling release schedule erm… rolling - rather than lose momentum,as the guys are currently testing this and seeing very positive results. So to be as transparent as we always try to be: the first MVP is going to be initially TCP only, with uTP support to follow.

As you may be aware uTP is a layer on UDP that allows reliable transfer of data, while also allowing better NAT traversal than TCP. Utorrent uses this, but many in that community still use TCP as it's 20% quicker. uTP following TCP is therefore sensible and it allows all the other libraries and the resources we were pouring into Crust to be pushed into the Client APIs and Beta features (messaging / safecoin / advanced data handling, etc). This is now where we will once more see much faster delivery of components to the community, so we are delighted and excited to be again looking at the innovations and features that will make SAFE very complete and more efficient.

Crust - uTP / API : Vinicius / Andrew / David

The Crust guys spent the week testing the latest Crust / uTP implementation, with a development version of Routing under various test conditions / environments. Then they focused on fixing bugs related to uTP bootstrap connections. The guys saw unexpected LostPeer events being raised under some systems and this is currently under investigation, with the aim to have it resolved this week. If everything goes well, we should have uTP enabled for Routing next week. The decision was made by the team to postpone the heartbeat implementation as Routing has implemented a similar mechanism.

Routing - Vault Integration : Andreas / Adam / David

The Routing team added a network-less test framework to the API, so Routing users can benefit from the faster tests too. The guys have also implemented a heartbeat to detect lost peers even if Crust doesn't. Routing has gone through pretty extreme testing of overnight networks with high churn rates and then analysed for Kademlia invariant being maintained and it's very impressive to see that all holding true under what is extreme churn.

Vaults : Brian / Fraser / Qi

Most of the safe_vault personas have seen some work in the last week, the bulk of which has been applied to the ImmutableDataManager. Preparation for the farming rate calculation has been included, in conjunction with an RFC2 to Routing covering the various flavours of immutable data. Also implemented was the vault config file as per

Tests have now been upgraded covering the majority of code paths for each persona. Also, still on testing, Routing's mock of the crust library has been integrated to allow full integration testing of safe_vault in a controlled network environment. This allows very quick accurate testing of vault logic (SD handling, messaging, safecoin and then on to…).

Client - Launcher : Krishna / Spandan / Shankar

The logger in maidsafe_utilities was not as efficient as we wanted it to be, which was causing the tests to crash. @ustulation (currently flying as he and his wife relocate to Scotland) spent some time working in this area to get it fixed and we now have a complete asynchronous logging module. This change also includes the ability to write to a TCP stream, which can be used to send the logs to the visualiser. We have temporarily parked the visualiser and the focus is now on the dynamic data handling abilities of the network. Towards the tail end of last week we had a few good discussions and finally arrived at the possible approach on how this feature can be enabled. The approach is detailed with a simple use case and also there are few concerns in this approach which is also specified in the RFC3. We are looking forward to input / discussion / debate from the community and you can make these within the discuss proposed github issue3, or within the already active forum thread2. At present, an RFC for exposing the Launcher APIs for structured data and immutable data is being worked on.

UI Design : Scott / Shankar

We ran into some problems with the roadmap last week and are hoping to have those issues resolved soon. A lot of time has been spent collating the data to be used in the roadmap and once the above issue is resolved we can start to demo it; we look forward to receiving your feedback in due course.

Thanks for your support - here is the link to the weekly transcript21

MaidSafe - Weekly Team Update

Transcript 4th April 2016


Last week

This week




Test (and debug) churn.
Investigate Kademlia invariant bug.

Continue testing Churn with Routing and Vaults, and working around Crust issues.


Crust/Nat-traversal refactor and bug fixing.

Crust/Nat-traversal refactor and bug fixing.


Vault-Routing tasks

Vault tasks



Managing dev teams

Managing dev teams


Vault code/tests/reviews

Vault code/tests/reviews


Launcher, demo apps & documentation

Dynamic data handling RFC, Planning


Accounting processes                                           

Pensions Declaration

Bank procedures

Board minutes

PSC Register

Register of Assets

Accounting processes and procedures


Market Research

Investment Materials

Press interviews

Press Interview

Investment Materials



Blog Post

Close Group Process


Vault implement / tests

Vault implement / tests


Dev Update

Cust Support


Blog Post

Dev Update

Customer Support


Demonstration Videos for Launcher and example apps.

Roadmap implementation

Roadmap implementation



Launcher, demo apps and roadmap

Roadmap, Log visualiser, Planning


safe_core, safe_ffi



Fix some old crust issues



Stabilize uTP

Implement hearbeat


Managing dev teams

Managing dev teams



Hour 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 58 Minutes and 46 Secs
Guests: Luke Rudkowski

Hour 3 -- Luke Rudkowski - Updating us on what is going on with 


Hour 3

2016-04-06 Hour 3 Luke Rudkowski from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Luke Rudkowski

We Are Change



You Won't Believe What We Saw In Socialist Venezuela

by  | Apr 4, 2016

In this video Luke Rudkowski and Jeff Berwick travel down to Caracas Venezuela to give you a report on how people live in socialism. We not only give you a detailed update on life in Caracas but a complete social and economic breakdown of the situation on the ground.

Support WeAreChange by Subscribing to our channel HERE…

Visit our main site for more breaking news
SnapChat: LukeWeAreChange

Rep WeAreChange Merch Proudly:

OH YEAH since we are not corporate or government WHORES help us out

We take BITCOIN too


The Premier Of VAXXED In NYC and Full Review

In this video Luke Rudkowski goes to the premier of Vaxxed in NYC and gives his full review of the film. We show you how many people showed up to the premier and what happened inside. The controversial film was pulled from the Tribeca film festival by Robert De Niro after a media backlash, but was able to premier at another theater. The sponsors who keep this media organization free and for the people by donating once a month on are automatically entered to win the books that were given by Andrew Wakefield.

The film is currently playing in limited theaters in NYC to find out more check out


The Vaccine Whistleblower The Main Stream Media Does Not Want You To Know About

In this video Luke Rudkowski talks to Dr. Brian Hooker at the premier of VAXXED in NYC about his incredible story exposing a whistleblower within the CDC who gave Brian documents of a massive coverup. Brian is one of the main characters of VAXXED and in our video he shares his story and incredible findings of the how the CDC is directly covering up the link between autism and the mmr vaccine. 


The Largest Hack In History, What You Need To Know About The Panama Papers

by  | Apr 3, 2016

In this video Luke Rudkowski covers the breaking news of the Panama Papers and its implications. We go over what the leaks reveal and its political motivation. Stay tuned for more on this issue as it is breaking now. Support us on Patreon so we can continue doing this critical important work for you.


Support WeAreChange by Subscribing to our channel HERE…

Visit our main site for more breaking news
SnapChat: LukeWeAreChange

Rep WeAreChange Merch Proudly:

OH YEAH since we are not corporate or government WHORES help us out

We take BITCOIN too

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Patrick Weed
Entered on:

Stephen Is a idiot for taking pharmaceuticals! All I gotta say!

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