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Radio/TV • Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Program Date:

01-10-13 -- Ray McGovern - Sheila Dean (MP3 & Video LOADED)

Ray McGovern (Retired CIA Analyst) on John Brennan (newly appointed CIA Director), Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense - Sheila Dean (Beat the Chip) provides an update on Biometric Internet Access.

Hour 1 - 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 147 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Ernest Hancock
Hour 1 -- Freedom's Phoenix Headline News
Hour 2 -- Ray McGovern (Retired CIA Analyst) on John Brennan (newly appointed CIA Director), Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense 
Hour 3 -- Sheila Dean (Beat the Chip) provides an update Biometric Internet Access

January 10th, 2013
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
on LRN.FM / Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - Noon (EST)
Studio Line: 602-264-2800 
Hour 1
Freedom's Phoenix Headline News
2013-01-10 Hour 1 Freedom's Phoenix Headline News
(Video Archive): 

Hour 2

Guests: Ray McGovern
Hour 2
Ray McGovern
Retired CIA Analyst
2013-01-10 Hour 2 Ray MdGovern (Retired CIA Analyst on the appointment of John Brennan and Chuck Hagel)
(Video Archive):
Here are some of Ray's current articles:

The Grilling That Brennan Deserves  (NEW)
By Ray, January 9, 2013

Ray on The Real News: Obama’s Nominee for CIA Direcctor  (NEW)
If you liked Cheney’s “dark side,” you’ll love Brennan  (14 min.)

Excusing Torture, Again  (NEW)
(Washington Post Gives Prominent Space to Lies of Tough Guy José Rodriguez, CIA’s Torturer in Chief for Cheney and Bush.  Rodriguez is the Winner (in 2005) of the Oliver North Prize for Courageously Shredding 92 Videotapes Recording Hundreds of Hours of Enhanced Interrogations)
January 7, 2013


The Moral Challenge of Kill Lists  (NEW)
(John Brennan’s “Priestly” Role in Murder)
January 8, 2013

Hour 3

Guests: Sheila Dean
Hour 3
Sheila Dean

2013-01-10 Hour 3 Sheila Dean (BeatTheChip.Org)
(Video Archive):


Upcoming Phoenix Event;
Identity Ecosystem Phoenix Event... (Have something to say?)
01-08-2013  • 
The National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (“NSTIC” or “Strategy”), signed by President Obama in April 2011 February 5-7, 2013 

Identity Ecosystem Phoenix Event... (Have something to say?)
01-08-2013  • 
"The Identity Ecosystem envisioned in the NSTIC is an online environment that will enable people to validate their identities securely, but with minimized disclosure of personal information when they are conducting transactions."

3rd Plenary Meeting
Where: Phoenix Convention Center - 100 N. Third St., Phoenix, AZ 85004
When: February 5-7, 2013 
Hyatt Hotel Block Deadline: Friday, January 11, 2013. Book Hotel via this link.

Also of interest...

The Infragard story from the start


Pertinent Articles:
Texas RFID 




Sheila Dean is a new media producer, talk radio host and non-profit consultant on a variety of civil liberties and digital privacy campaigns.

Sheila Dean is the blog editor for and speaker for the 5-11 Campaign, a privacy and identity rights organization.

Sheila advocates in favor of free identity, Bill of Rights retention and deliverance from the federal banking system. She hosts Waking Up Orwell, a radio companion to her blogs. She openly supports trans-partisan and grassroots movements with aims to rise above partisan deadlocks in Washington D.C.

Her priorities are: war reform, monetary reform, ecological conservation, civil & human rights, civil liberty and truth in reporting.


BeatTheChip is about the business of keeping up the "good work"

Advocates attest national identity debate here to stay


Sheila Dean, a Los Angeles anti-torture and anti-war student organizer became educated and influenced by other activists (Progressive Democrats of Los Angeles, LA National Impeachment Center (LANIC), World Can't Wait, Santa Monica Greens, Iraq Veterans Against the War and the Ron Paul Presidential Campaign of 2008) and documentary films circulated abroad in 2006-2007 (9-11 Truth, Venus Project). 

In October of 2007, after absorbing enough about the current trajectory of corporate and governed data surveillance, she became a media activist.  She circulated articles and speaking out against US national identity programs. She, like many, discovered there was very little information online available about government actions.  According to Project Censored, Real ID and other  associated national ID initiatives have been censored in the US.   

In January 2008, she took initiative to organize, inform and to push back against data surveillance abuse in the United States.  She decided to start her blog,

BEAT THE CHIP is a blog acting as an ongoing library of analysis and public input for those opposed to the Real ID Act, identity & data surveillance. What started out as a way to simply attack RFID technology mandates, quickly exhumed more troubling government plans to build an entire US citizen data surveillance infrastructure.  Based on current events, it later expanded its coverage to include opposition to existing statutes and practices which violate the Bill of Rights and domestic surveillance abuses. 

After DHS acquiesced to States resistance to regulations in March of 2008,  plans were made to organize locally and nationally to sustain public resistance to an emerging national identity system for data surveillance.  The 5-11 Campaign was launched in Austin, Texas on May 11th, 2008.  


The bulk of anti Real ID (legal) advocacy work in the first chapter went directly into the State of Texasduring the 2009 session.  Texas shares the largest border with Mexico of all 50 States making it one of the most important states for Immigration and Homeland Security objectives. 

Advocacy was achieved was achieved with frequent legislative visits to the Austin Capitol, casual coalition building, routine organizing meetings and some speaking at public events. Anti-national ID legislative aims were supplemented with support for 10th Amendment bills rejecting federal bailout stimulus.  She also coalitioned with area grassroots groups to fight Voter ID mandates, DNA data retention of infants and the mentally ill and involuntary blood draws by the Austin Police Department.   

The largest impact made on Texas was stopping HB 4036, the Real ID of Texas, staving off attempts to hitch Real ID to Voter ID and promoting the sponsorship of an anti-Real ID resolution, authored by Rep. Carl Isset in 2009.  

Media outreach expanded during this time to include a weekly radio program to give legislative news about bills affecting civil liberty called Waking Up Orwell. Further, broadcast analysis was traded on conservative LPFMs with an online following.

The Texas campaign concluded it's work shortly after the session's end in June 2009. This was to answer the evolution of the PASS Act and other federal developments with the Real ID Act in Washington.  At that time, key coalition introductions were made and aims to seek a repeal was initiated and model legislation was circulated.  The Campaign was publicly retired May 11th, 2010 to strike out in a pragmatic direction developing a non-profit agency for fundraising purposes from the San Francisco Bay Area.  

The 5-11 Campaign makes reappearances to deliver input on various public interest forums: UN Human Rights stakeholder meetings, San Francisco City Hall ID card proposals, the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace or NSTIC proposal, a California bill to submit drivers license applicants to selective service in the US military, numerous national sign-on letters from advocates against privacy and identity threats, and ongoing action alerts about electronic surveillance abuse.   

One of the continued aims of the 5-11 Campaign is to reinforce sponsorship of a bill to repeal and defund the federal Real ID Act.  To date, actions and intent to resist of the Real ID Act continue.

However, the fate of the 5-11 Campaign itself is unknown.

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