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Radio/TV • Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Program Date:

07-25-12--Chris Duane - Richard Grove, Lisa Arbercheski - (MP3 & Video Loaded)

Chris Duane, founder of Sons of Liberty Academy and 'Greatest Truths Never Told' on his YouTube channel - Richard Grove and Lisa Arbercheski, Producers of The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto

Hour 1 - 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 123 Minutes and 0 Secs
Chris Duane, founder of Sons of Liberty Academy and 'Greatest Truths Never Told' on his YouTube channel - Richard Grove and Lisa Arbercheski, Producers of The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto

July 25th, 2012
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
on LRN.FM / Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - Noon (EST)
Studio Line: 602-264-2800 
Hour 1
Chris Duane
Christopher Duane ( is a Financial & Investing Expert and Founder of the Sons of Liberty Academy. Chris is also a US Marine & venture capitalist and became a self-made millionaire by age 30. Since 2001, he has been able to increase his net worth an estimated 3,750% since 2001 while the housing, stock and job markets have been tanking. Chris Duane’s YouTube Channel “Greatest Truth Never Told” has over 3.6 million views since it’s debut nine months ago. And he believes massive change is coming and that if you are aware and prepared for this change you will be able to create generational wealth.
The Greatest  Truth Never Told:
2012-07-25 Hour 1 Chris Duane
(The Greatest Truth Never Told) (Video Archive):


 Hour 2
Chris Duane (Continued)
2012-07-25 Hour 2 Chris Duane (The Greatest Truth Never Told) - Cont'd (Video Archive):

Hour 3
Richard Grove and Lisa Arbercheski
Webpage: TragedyAndHope.Com
Producers of The Ultimate History Lesson:
A Weekend With John Taylor Gatto

"Greetings, and Welcome to Tragedy and Hope dot com! My name is Richard Grove, and to keep it simple, here’s a summary of why this site exists:"

We exist, and as human beings, we depend on reason to survive and thrive in life; therefore, the content on this site is necessary to an individual’s ability to think rationally about the world we all share.

Tragedy and Hope creates educational media and provides a comprehensive, cogent, open-source, educational model for adults; providing individuals with the access, tools, and resources, to attain coherent perspectives at/and/above the Ph.D. level. That’s a bold statement, so if I were reading the aforementioned assertion, I would ask for proof.
T&H Welcome and Introduction video:
A Different Kind of Education from a Different Kind of Educator…

The Ultimate History Lesson is a 5 hour course, illustrating the cause and effect relationship of how Americans became incoherent, and thus how the American dream has was usurped by an international agenda.

When John Taylor Gatto resigned from his job, he did so on the Op-Ed page of the Wall Street Journal. At the time, he was NYC and New York State School Teacher of the Year.

The Ultimate History Lesson is presented as a five-hour interview session -memorializing Gatto's research, publications and life experiences- which forms an impeccable resource and reference library of the Underground History of American Education. Each hour focuses on examining the evolution of ideas which manifest today in the phenomenon of "public schooling". By dissecting the history and presenting you with the references, you're left at the end of each hour with a copious amount of information from which you can continue your own personal journey of discovery.

With more than 200 footnotes and more than 30 book references contained in its entirety, this unique interview provides you with the primary sources, quotes, links, and suggested resources to expedite your own open-source education.

Fundraiser Pack to help the Gatto's and Freedom's Phoenix:
Summary: John suffered multiple strokes in the weeks after finishing "The Ultimate History Lesson".  Since then, he has been hospitalized off and on and is now at home trying to recover. His economic resources have been depleted and he needs our support right now.

Every purchase of "The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto" with the coupon code “FREEDOMSPHOENIX” through this link goes toward supporting John with funds for medical needs, and personal rehab that his depleted insurance no longer covers.  When you purchase the UHL Gatto Fundraiser pack, you will receive $140 of value for $55; and Tragedy and Hope will make a $15 donation to both John Taylor Gatto and Freedom’s Phoenix.


Here are some of Richard's recommended links:
News Link  • 
Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude MP3 CD
07-25-2012  •  Mises.Org 
States are more vulnerable than people think. They can collapse in an instant—when consent is withdrawn. This is the thesis of this thrilling book. Murray Rothbard writes a classic introduction to one of the great political essays in the history of ideas.
News Link  • 
Space Travel and Exploration
Vatican tied Mount Graham Observatory launches LUCIFER Telescope
07-25-2012  • 
A new instrument for the world´s largest optical telescope, the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) on Mount Graham, allows astronomers to observe the faintest and most distant objects in the universe.

2012-07-25 Hour 3 Richard Grove and Lisa Arbercheski (TragedyAndHope.Com) (Video Archive):

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