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"Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock" back on the radio, and...

I’m taking some time out from the many things I got to do today setting up the HQ to share some 3 important bits of news…

Hour 1 - 3

I’m taking some time out from the many things I got to do today setting up the HQ to share some 3 important bits of news...
1) Tonight we meet for the first time at the Western Libertarian Alliance HQ. “We”? Well, those who are willing to get fingernails dirty advocating for Liberty. This is best explained by doing, so if you pay attention you’ll be inspired. (7pm – 9pm+ 4700 N Central #102 / A downtown liberal art gallery ‘The Paper Heart’ is showing “America: Freedom to Fascism” at 9:30pm for those interested)
2) KPHX 1480 called to offer me a Sunday talk show to begin March 25th. The Air America Phoenix people that I worked with for a year and a half have teamed up with Sheldon Drobney and his wife Anita (one of the co-founders of Air America). KPHX is the flag ship of 10 stations that spread across the country. They have also linked up with Sirius Satellite Radio. Not only do they know me to be a hard core, no-compromise Classical Liberal (i.e. libertarian) it is what they are counting on to add to their stable of hosts. This is a “Progressive Network” (so progressive they are adding a libertarian to the lineup). I know all of the people involved very well and they know me, so there is no attempt at altering my long stated (and Internet archived) positions on the proper role of government and what I see is coming fast to the individual lives of Americans. So while I am very pleased with this opportunity to expand the message and will take all of the opportunities offered me to guest host for some of their other hosts with very large audiences, I am not too surprised because many are seeing the logic and reason of libertarian philosophy as the world starts its global collectivist meltdown.
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock will start off where it left off 2 years ago when I became the producer for the then already famous Charles Goyette. FreedomsPhoenix took all of my time and I saw the Internet as the future, so I left radio to have the most influence on the freedom movement I could. FreedomsPhoenix was the vehicle that drew me to the network’s attention and helped my friends at the station convince the network to try my show for 3-6 months to see what impact I’d have. A very nice surprise for all of us.
My talk show’s radio archive is still in place and still gets between 15,000 and 20,000 downloads a month (gott’a love Google). Michael Kielsky from pioneered MP3 archiving with me years before “podcasting” was even a word from the beginning. We started on KXAM as the morning show (an amazing set of circumstances allowed a hard core libertarian a morning show for 2 hours every weekday in one of the top media markets in the world (imagine all of the trouble we created). Later I would move to KFNX 1100 and then later become Charles' producer. Working with Tyger Gilbert at Michael will be linking up the capacity of the Radio Show with FreedomsPhoenix and the sky is the limit. We’ll start slow and make sure that we provide a firm foundation for future long term expansion (as we always do).
The future is going to get very messy and at the very least we’ll be able to provide an understanding of what is happening and pretty idea as to how and why.
“Freedom’s the Answer,… What’s the Question?”
3) Maricopa County has been getting a lot of attention nationally about how the County Attorney is just as (fill in the blank) as our favorite Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Putting the two together is certain to create an environment that will provide libertarians with a perfect example of what happens when too much power is consolidation in the hands of too few and there is no mechanism to touch them. (Still Voting?)

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