Article Image Donna Hancock

Letters to the Editor • Constitution

Powerful FREEDOM for us ALL, hidden inside the Constitution.

In the past, now and again, Powell has referred to the Constitution as the "CONstitution." I don't recall ever seeing an explanation of why he does this. I assume that it has to do with the idea that the prefix "Pro-" generally points towards what is positive, while the prefix "Con-" generally points at the negative. So Powell might be trying to show us that the Constitution is something more or less negative with regard to freedom. Actually, it's the other way around.
Question: If you were among founding fathers, how would you make a Government that has any kind of authority over people who are free, without taking away their freedom? And how do you get the people to accept and authenticate that Government, knowing that they want to be free, yet realizing at the same time that they need a Government?

Part of the answer is in the existence of the Bill of Rights. You DON'T need - or maybe even want - the Bill of Rights at all! Why not? Because the rest of the Constitution is so extremely self-limiting that the Bill of Rights only gets in the way. They get in the way by looking far more important than they are. They get in the way by further obscuring the already hidden freedom-language written right into the body of the Constitution. When they help to obscure freedom language, the BoR limits freedom.

Here's a point about this that you probably won't find stated anywhere, right out in the open by the founding fathers. And that is, IF the States at the time of the framing of the Constitution had NOT pushed for a Bill of Rights of some sort, the founding fathers would have deemed their Constitution to be a failure. Why? Because they would have feared that the people had found the freedom hidden within the Constitution. If the people found the freedom, they would have run right over the Constitution worse than they did over the Articles of Confederation. The Constitution would have had no power at all. It would have been scrapped right from the start.

If the founding fathers had ever written anything about this, and the idea ever became known to the people, it might have destroyed the whole United States right from the start of the Constitution. So they couldn't even talk or write about the SUPER FREEDOM that they had so carefully hidden in the Constitution.

We need this SUPER FREEDOM brought out into the open today for ALL the people to see and to use.

People of the United States today have gotten into the mode of investigating science. Show them some graphene, and they will find all the applications and extensions of it that they can. Give them solar cells, and they will find all the uses of these that they can. Why isn't it that way with the Constitution? The people have had the Constitution for a long time now. Why haven't they exploited it?

The fact that the people haven't exploited the Constitution in very many ways is obvious from Article 1 Section 10 Clause 1... the contract part: "No State shall ... pass any... Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts ... ." The people barely use contracts to counter any State laws at all! And if they do, the State tries to hide the fact through long, many-paged, court documents that hide the fact of what has just taken place. Even the contract writers who were fighting the State don't really understand why they just won whatever it was they were after. And this is just one little part of the Constitution that has come into play.

Do you want freedom? Put your imagination to work with the Constitution like you do with science. Take a look at my comment at to see a slightly expanded explanation about contracts.

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Editors Reply

Editor's Response from Powell Gammill:
I'm so stunned, words escape me.  CONstitution is defined as a scrap of paper created by the All Powerful Oz, to delude the masses into believing a central government can be formed by a bunch of guys gathering around and affixing their signatures to it that then rules over others.  To delude the masses into believing a central government can be formed whose powers are constrained to limited functions set out within that paper.  To delude the masses into believing a central government can be formed whose sole purpose is to safeguard their individual Rights.  All while taxing them and conscripting them and their property into the use of same government.  Oz the Magnificent is a children's story . . . and so is the CONstitution.

4 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

One more time, straight, and to the point. The Constitution allows those who want it to have limited freedom through Government - the limited freedom of Government. It also allows those who do not want the limitations of Government to not have those limitations set on themselves, even by the people who use the Constitution to attempt to limit the freedom of everyone else.

There is one thing that the Constitution does not do. It does not jump up and make the decision for anyone. It does not simply somehow protect the desires of both kinds of people automatically. It does not automatically, magically give limited freedom of Government to those who want such limited freedom in their minds. It also does not automatically, magically give freedom from Government to those who want such complete freedom. Rather, it must be invoked... by both groups.

The reason that the Constitution was set up at its start, to look like it was forming Government rather than offering complete freedom, was that if it had not been presented in that way, it would have neutralized itself immediately, and would have been a wasted document right from the start.

Nowadays there are many people who think that the Constitution and Government should NEVER have had a start at all. They grind their teeth at the thought of even having such a powerless form of Government as was presented by the Articles of Confederation.

But the people of THAT day, the late 1700s day, thought otherwise. They wanted their freedom from the king and his government, and they knew of no other way than to form a counter Government to organize themselves to fight the king.

Yet, those people were, also, not all that pro-Government. They realized (as we do) that any Government just might attempt to become a king like the one that they were fighting. So, they made the backbone of their (our) Government to be the Constitution, a document that, when properly invoked, can be made to give both complete freedom and limited freedom simultaneously. Not an easy task.

Idealistically, we all want peace, prosperity, happiness, no restraints on freedom, long life in good health, and a whole lot of other good and wonderful things. Realistically, the good in life is limited. The Constitution is very close to offering the best of all worlds in a REAL world, where limitations of all kinds exist.

If you decide to trash the Constitution like Obama is trying to do, be sure that you have something better to take its place. China would enjoy coming over here and stomping on a bunch of little nation states that were squabbling and fighting among themselves in weakness.

Comment by Mike Chavez
Entered on:
Pure trust, you premise is errant. Government is not organization. Organization is organization. Governmental power is the ability to injure with impunity. Take your time, get a dictionary and ponder that sentence. One more time, just for you... Your premise of needing organization is correct. Your non sequitur: government is organization is incorrect. Many governments are organized, many are not. Governmental power is the ability to injure with impunity and society has allowed this for far too long. NO INSTITUTION/GROUP/INDIVIDUAL should have the power to injure anyone, by any means, for any reason. Violence is reserved to defend against those who violate the above.


Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

First of all, the reason you need a form of government is to organize your activities with those of others. When "they" come to take your guns, "they" will be organized. You will not even be expecting them to show up at your door. If you happen to have a powerful neighborhood-watch government in place, you just might be forewarned that "their" armored vehicles are rolling up your street.

As a founding father, one who is experienced in fighting King George's organized military, how do you get a bunch of stupid-States-people to organize under a Government that maintains freedom? The term "government" itself implies reduction in freedom. So, how can Government produce that which it is against by its very nature? And we DO need Government of sorts. We saw what fighting King George's troops was like without having orderly governing dictates.

The way to do it is to make a Constitution that has hidden freedom meanings and ideas right inside. The Outer existence of the Constitution forms a Government that limits freedom. Yet within the Constitutional verbiage are found the freedoms that, if employed, will bypass the Governmental freedom limitations.

Without this hidden verbiage, the Constitution would be a dictatorial document. Without the verbiage being hidden, the Constitution would have no effect whatsoever, and would be a completely useless document, not fit for anything but the trash can. But with the freedom verbiage being hidden, the Constitution becomes a document of dictatorial power for organizing the people into a formidable and powerful nation. At the same time, if the Constitution becomes so domineering over the people, that they finally take a deep look at its hidden freedom verbiage, and bring that freedom verbiage out into the open and use it, FREEDOM wins, because of the Constitution.

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

Let us also pay attention to the term "Founding Fathers."  There are two sets of "Founding Fathers."  The first are the guys who risked everything and lost pretty much everything who signed the Declaration of Independence against their government and rebelled against their rightful King.  Those guys created freedom from government. 

The "Founding Fathers" you want to glowingly talk about, saw an opportunity to scheme their way into power when all they had been asked to do was fix three areas of the Articles of Confederation that had shown deficiencies.  Those are the rats who created the CONstitution and brought it back to their Colonies to lobby for its approval.  Failing to get the nine states approval needed per their document to implement the central government and having two signing states reconsidering due to angry peasants they agreed to create the Bill of Rights.  That conned all but one of the 13 colonies to sign onto the CONstitution.  So one free colony remained, Rhode Island.  Were they allowed to go their way in peace?  Oh, hell no!  They were boycotted and blockaded into signing on to an all ruling central government.  Even then they had to be reminded they were supposed to create a Bill of Rights to amend to the CONstitution. 

So where to from there?  Suppressing the aborigines.  Whiskey rebellion.  Import tax. Conscription into militias.  Taking of properties.  Marbury v. MADison.  Not a bad start, those "Founding Fathers" didn't do too badly .... one ring to rule them all.