Letters to the Editor • Gold and Silver

Buffet and Gold

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More the Buffet lemmings delay, the more opportunity for those who value gold as money. For me gold is money, a way to hold wealth and occasionally a speculative investment.

Only when Buffet fiddles as the American middle class burns under hyper-inflation will Buffet hesitate. But even here he may say this is just a passing aberation. If so he would be wrong because the corruption of corruptible, inflateable money and its collapse is not an aberation but an ordinary, predictable fact of life. As predictable and ordinary as people's blindness to this (final outcome of money)

Let's not forget what Buffet's flagship, the cash cow he literally inherited from Graham, GEICO stands for: Government Employees Insurance Company. Little wonder that Buffet is so pro-government protection and control. Also, according to a biography, he almost lost everything when he bought a big investment company (Bear Stearns? Goldman Sachs?) decades ago but was helped out by some sympathetic federal bureaucrats. As a consequence he may very well be beholding to our federal government which would explain all this nonsense of more government control and more taxes for the rich, etc.