Article Image Powell Gammill

Letters to the Editor • Gun Rights

Lessons of Prohibition!

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      Take a moment to think about the history of prohibition.  Every time American People get an idea shoved down their neck, the very thing the government is trying to controll becomes even more rampant.  When the do-gooders snd the government decided to eliminate alchoholic beverages as a source of  refreshment and entertainment, the black market and organized crime stepped in and supplied all the "whiskey and spirits" that were needed, and the government had no or very little controll in the matter.  Then if you move a little forward in history, and you consider the "recreational drug" issue, you still have the same response.  Not that my position on drugs are pro.  My point on the matter is people are going to do what the want to do, and the means to do it are always at their disposal.                             

     Now, if the government and the so called do gooders do try to confiscate our weapons, they are creating an even bigger problem for themselves.  Lets say they are successfull.  Now you have better than 75% of the nation that wants the means to defend itself and that has been taken away.  The black market comes in, and now the government, when it used to have some degree of controll and know what is out there, now have not a clue.  And now that guns are allready illegal the boundaries of the law don\'t apply like they did in respect to the kinds of weapons. There will be automatic weapons, flame throwers, claymores, and grenades etc. at the peoples disposal, and the government won\'t have even the slightest control ovber what the people have.

     Also, another thing to consider, is that there are three times the number of lawfull gun owners than there are military and law inforcement combined, and these are the ones that are registered and that they know about.  History will also tell you that the military cannot be trusted to side with the government in most cases.  This is because they are first sworn to uphold the constitution, second because most of them are gun owners also, and third their families are in jeopardy as well, in the case of a revolution.  During a revolution groups like the BATFE, FBI., IRS, CIA, etc. will very shortly disband to defend their families.

     So, in short don\'t build more obsticles than there are.  Be prepared for all.  and be ready to lay your life down for what you believe in.  Freedom always eventially prevails for people that desire it.  You never take away anything from a people that they don\' want to lose!