Letters to the Editor • Government


Would you suggest to yourself that you are a fool?  Would you say that you are stupid concerning money management?  Would you definitely state that you have never had an original idea in your head!

Didn\'t think so.

So why are you allowing the federal governments and banks to say we have to have so many people out of work!

Why are you agreeing that we are in an economic problem and their is no way out?

Why do you sit in your home and pay three times what it is worth while the banks that have your loans just got a few billion they have misplaced?

Ever thought of doing something that is entirely American?

Ever thought that you are the key to Americas future and the future of your job!

Have you ever even thought what that throw away vote you gave last year cost you?

Have you ever thought what a few bucks spent to rebuild America could do?

Before you stop reading this, give a moment or two about how America was lead down this path and how you will help dig the USA out.

I have some ideas.

You have some ideas.

Washington just gives more money to banks.  Not a very good idea.

I know we can do better.

He said change, it really meant billions for the fat cats not change in government.

I say we the people need to roll up our shirt sleeves, begin putting political parties feet to a very hot fire of truth and be willing to jump-start this economy.

The question is are you with me or just a leaf blowing on the wind, hot wind or Change.


