Article Image Powell Gammill

Letters to the Editor • TAXES: Federal

The poor over taxed wealthy

I usually eschew name calling, but it is so appropriate here.  I suggest that all you whining usefull idiot stooges of the very wealthy who lament about their unfairly high tax burden actually look at the facts.

Consider this fact. The average wage earner pays 15% tax off the top --- on his salary.  Then their are all the sales taxes on almost everything he buys, So you are looking at an affective tax rate of at least 20% on your average wage earner.   Before any additional state or federal income tax.   That is, for a wage earner, 20% is the absolute MINIMUM in taxes that they pay

The the wealthiest 400?   Their average federal income tax is less than 18% of the AGI (Adjusted gross income).   And since they spend very little of the hundreds of millions of income there is little sales tax.    And that AGI... That is after so many deductions and forget about tax free income.  So, you can see that those poor people bearing what you call an unfair tax burden, are actually paying less, as a percentage of income,  than you are.   Or are you part of the really rock hard stupid who thinks that the payroll tax is not really a tax?


Editors Reply

All tax is theft.
I never got a job from a poor man.
I guess I am a stupid stooge. Any other names you would care to toss at me in supporting your position?

3 Comments in Response to

Comment by Ernest Hancock
Entered on:

The above Flash Annimation is very good at explaining our position. We would never advocate for any 'percentage' of theft.

Just the way we roll. But you are free to express yourself here (it's a libertarian thing)

Comment by Ernest Hancock
Entered on:

You are very welcome to express yourself here (it's a libertarian thing) but never think for a moment that we would advocate the stealing of another's justly aquired property.

Percentages are irrelevant to many of us.


For a better understanding...

Comment by Larken Rose
Entered on:

Statistically, yes, many of the so-called "rich" find ways to arrange things so that they don't get robbed as much as they otherwise would, sometimes managing to get robbed at a lower percentage (but higher actual dollar amount) than the rest of us. But some of us extremist crazies don't think they should be robbed at all, and don't think we should be robbed at all either. And if anyone deserves the label "idiot," it would be someone who consistently gets robbed, and in response, merely demands that OTHERS be robbed even MORE than him. (I'm not sure that's what the author meant, but it seemed to be implied.)

The question is this: If you got carjacked, would you become a vocal activist, demanding that everyone ELSE get carjacked too, to make things "fair"? Or would you try to stop carjacking altogether? Sadly, statists usually seem to want to do the former.