Letters to the Editor • Gun Rights

Posting may be a hoax...

• Article

I believe this posting is a hoax...I did some research on it and only came up with this...


Editors Reply

Well that is both true and untrue Rick...hence the reason I preceded the story with a bracket comment well maybe not a 1040 form.   
That part I knew to be untrue, but it sure could become true.  What is true is you would be required to list on some form that would go to the US Attorney General's office your firearms.
And since the Snopes' article (links) verifies the truth I posted it.  There is a bill to start the process of gun confiscation:
But no there is no Senate bill version 2099 sitting in the bin to require submitting whatever form the government provides for you to list your guns to be sent in with your 1040 tax form...but what a great idea. I think it wold be swell of government to link the much beloved IRS tax form with the soon to be beloved gun registration form.  As a good American, don't you? :-D
