Article Image Powell Gammill

Letters to the Editor • Government


 No one wants to see our streets bloody with a revolution. However if all else fails I can see it coming. We will be taking a step back in time and do what our forefathers and our country men and women did to start this great land of the free that we will not have if this take over doesn’t stop VERY SOON.

It was because we called, e-mailed, faxed our opposition to the health bill that slowed it down and hopefully has killed it (for now) but I don’t see this arrogant, want to be dictator giving up.


Here are the three things I feel we true Americans should try to help bring about some changes.


First, once again contact all of our representatives and DEMAND that Obama be charged with fraud and treason against our constitution and the United States of America.

If they do not comply with the demands of the people we will consider them part of the conspiracy and when the American people remove this traitor from office they will be charged accordingly.  If they are not convicted of these charges WE THE PEOPLE will see to it that they will not ever be able to serve in politics again. They are on OUR LIST we will continue to watch them.


Second, we should list the sponsors that are advertised when the main stream media is on and write to these sponsors and demand they pull there advertising or the people will boycott them for supporting stations that have deliberately defrauded the people by not informing us of what this government is doing and being part of the conspiracy to over throw our country.


Third, I think we should picket these stations for supporting a socialist/communist president. It is un-American and we the people will not stand for it.


Forth, website petitions are not excepted if my understanding is correct. Anyone can write in names, it means nothing. Petitions have to be signed by registered voters. Petitions need to be signed at these “Tea Parties” while the people are gathering to protest this health bill.


Trying this can not hurt. Congress listened to the people and because they were afraid of losing voters started to change their tune about pushing thru this health bill so quickly. I am sure it will get a lot of them thinking about continuing to support Obama. We can only hope they are smart enought to get the picture.


 We must realize that while we are wearing blinders and fighting over this health bill Obama’s personal army of czars are finding ways of destroying our country from within. The new FCC appointment was given to a man that doesn’t believe in freedom of speech. He says, “It is over rated”. They are planning to stop independent, free talk radio by taxing them out of business. This is just a means of controlling freedom of speech and telling us only what the government want you to know. Sounds like mainstream media to me, does it to you. No doubt the czar over looking the web will stop any comments against Obama under the guise of protecting the public.


We must unite to stop this communist take over of our country now or we will not be able to recover from the damage that will be done and if we do it will take a long time for the recovery.

Personally, I think that if these, progressive/liberals believe in this kind of government then they should move to a county that already has it established or form their own government in a country all their own and leave the true American alone.


If you don’t love this country we invite you to leave. How about yesterday!! Get it?