Letters to the Editor • Food

Co-Op Farming In Gilbert

 I just came back from Mother Nature Farm in Gilbert. I am hot and dirty but I brought back 10 fresh peaches i picked and 2 big heads of cabbage. The price is pretty simple, show up and pull weeds or plant whatever Wade (the farms owner) asks you to plant. What a great way to have your own garden benefits without all of the work. Mother natures farm is open to expanding on this idea. Currently there are only 2 or 3 people showing up randomly. If you would like to have fresh, organic produce without all the work of watering just head on over there. If you work a little bit he does not mind you taking home whatever is there to harvest.     Tomatoes will be ready in about 3 weeks and onions. Cabbage is ready now and peaches will be ready soon. He is about to plant,with your help, watermelon,cantaloupes and honeydew melons. There is one full acre just to plant and garden. Corn is going in this week. I just pulled up all the collard green plants because they were not harvested and went to seed.     Come on and garden with me. If you live in the east valley a once or twice a week effort is worth having access to gardening. Also Wade knows a lot about gardening since his family has owned the farm since 1978. Recently he has been the victim of a Nazi Gilbert Town Council. They want to steal his property so they are trying to run him out of business. So really we are doing 2 things helping him and helping feed our families good nutritious food.     Bring the kids if you want. my daughter was taking the plants and weeds I was pulling and feeding them to the goats,cows,and sheep. How cool is that? Free old fashioned entertainment for your kids as well.     Mother natures farm is located on Baseline Road between Horne and Gilbert road. It is on the South side of the road. Contact myself or the farm if you are interested. My number is 480-206-4750. Andrea Garcia

Editors Reply

While this is in the Maricopa Co. area of Arizona, similar Coops exist around the nation.