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Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

And Californians were stupid enough (just like the other states) to have given up their state militias. If this is not treason I don't know what is. What is the saying? Is it.... "Kill em' all and let God sort them out"? Politicians of both stripes are the lowest forms of life in the universe.

Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

And Californians were stupid enough (just like the other states) to have given up their state militias. If this is not treason I don't know what is. What is the saying? Is it.... "Kill em' all and let God sort them out"? Politicians of both stripes are the lowest forms of life in the universe.

Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

And Californians were stupid enough (just like the other states) to have given up their state militias. If this is not treason I don't know what is. What is the saying? Is it.... "Kill em' all and let God sort them out"? Politicians of both stripes are the lowest forms of life in the universe.

Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

And Californians were stupid enough (just like the other states) to have given up their state militias. If this is not treason I don't know what is. What is the saying? Is it.... "Kill em' all and let God sort them out"? Politicians of both stripes are the lowest forms of life in the universe.

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