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Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Legalizing something is only one of three options. But it is not the best. Option 2 is to make it illegal. Option 3 is to legalize it. Both of these options take control and freedom away from the people. Option 1, which means freedom for the people, is to repeal all legalization or illegalization. Option 3 means hands-off by the government, so that people can do what they want freely. Option 2 is not the best because it still makes government the controller. | If anybody uses his freedom to harm someone else, sue him for his wrongdoing. If he harms someone because he is high on marijuana, sue him for his wrongdoing, and make the penalty fit the crime, not simply because he used marijuana.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Correction for the below comment: Option 1 is the best because it dispels all government control so that the people have freedom.

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