Article Image, By Robert Ringer

Though it's difficult for those gullible souls who are excited yet again about one presidential candidate or another to comprehend, politicians (with VERY few exceptions) -- in both parties -- are not interested in helping the "underprivileged.

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Comment by Dennis Treybil
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You gotta' love Robert Ringer. Back in 1975 (right after the Ark landed), I read a book entitled "Winning through Intimidation" by a fellow named Robert Ringer. Sure enough, this is the same Robert Ringer, as a visit to his site link on LR.C confirmed. There is a passage on page 212 (if memory serves) in that book about an insurance company blocking one of his deals. The gist of this anecdote in his book is this . . . And who do you suppose it was blocking my highly profitable deal this time? Was it any of the aforementioned usual suspects . . . (a list covered in the book up to that point ensues)? No! It wasn't any of them. It was the buyer's insurance company! Yeah! Those people you see on tv ads that are always helping people and making things right! These were the folks blocking my deal this time. But if you look closely at those tall beautiful buildings where these companies are located, that's not mortar between those bricks - it's DRIED HUMAN BLOOD!!!! And so ends the gist-wise recounting of that anecdote. In 1975 (pre-Waco for me), I laughed my @$$ off at this. I thought it was the funniest thing I had ever read. Today, I know it's totally true. And it ain't funny at all. DC Treybil

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