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Comment by TL Winslow
Entered on:

[[In a truly free and just society, there would be no need to distinguish between "peace officers" and "law enforcement officers" as all laws would be just in any event.]]

Duh, Jefferson wasn't wrong, he could just read, in this case Thomas More's 1516 work "Utopia", which means NO SUCH PLACE :)

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Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

In Jefferson's day, people got into Government to organize ALL the people so that they ALL would be protected from King George and his armies. Jefferson's Government feared the people in the sense that they were afraid that if they didn't act in ways that truly benefited the people, the people would see through it all, and would totally collapse the Government. Then King George would step in and overrun them all.

These days, even if a politician truly wants to benefit the people by getting into Government, he almost certainly knows that he is required to break his Oath of Office, thereby lying to the people, just to get into office. If he doesn't realize that fact, he isn't really fit to be running for office. What he doesn't have is fear of the people, except a little when election time comes around. And it takes a really good politician to be truly running for the benefit of the people, fearing that if he loses, all the good he could do for the people will not have been done.

So you see? Jefferson was right... just not in the way that we normally think. Why don't we think that way? Because our TOTAL experience is with corrupt politicians that are a hundred times worse than King George. And we don't have any experience with truly honest politicians in Government, who are truly out to benefit the people.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

My mistake. Ron Paul, once he realized how much he had been forced to at least BEND his Oath of Office, worked as hard as he could to get all of Government to change their ways. So we DO have ONE good politician we can look up to. And more of them would be the likes of Ernie and his people.

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