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Comments in Response

Comment by Chip Saunders
Entered on:

 April 1st is tomorrow, so this is disqualified. Sorry.

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

Gosh, it is too late.  I guess I will have to wait until April 1st to call.

Comment by Tyger
Entered on:

Friday IS April 1, so anything submitted before 5:00 pm today would qualify. But, doesn't this make you wonder if this isn't just some sort of "Official" April Fool's Joke? Or, maybe a way for them to find out who are the supporters of 

Comment by Steve Fuller
Entered on:

 Good joke!!

Here is the email I got from the State: We are aware of information circulating on Twitter and/or other
electronic means of communications that indicates the Governor's Office
has established an exemption list for photo radar tickets.  The
information you have read or heard probably directed you to our Office
to submit your request to be added to the list for the rest of this

Please know that there is no truth to this information.   It appears
this may have been an elaborate ruse carried out through social media
circles.  The Governor's Office has no part in this prank.

Governor's Office
Constituent Services


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