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Comment by Ducatijeanne
Entered on:

Excellent show today, Ernie.  I am sitting here taking notes.  It is time to contact our elected representatives in Congress relating to HB 2749.  I see Messrs McCain and Kyl voted nay on S 510.  And for those who operate differently, it is time for signs and leaflets and videos across the land.

Anyway, thanks for having Barbara Peterson on.  It is wonderful hearing her voice and her presentation is clear and concise to say nothing more than "excellent" concerning the Farm Wars website.   

Now, back to listen to more of the show!

Comment by Ducatijeanne
Entered on:

okay and then in the next portion of the show, Ernie points out John McCain should I put up a disclaimer....??      : ~ ) 

Thanks again for the great program today.  I hope everyone listens to this one.  

Get skills, stockpile, get tons of information i.e. books on stuff, look for other Freedom oriented people and listen to Freedoms Phoenix, Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock.


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