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Comment by Trouser Chili
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Really?  The FucM gene?  That one couldn't be named any better.

Comment by Anonymous
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   Female mice can be turned "lesbian" by deleting a single gene at embryo stage, scientists have discovered.


    I found this new scientific discovery not only hilarious but also extremely entertaining. By manipulating this FucM gene, women end up thinking like men.  But in some men, no need to tinker with testosterone to make them think like women.  You see, women have this instinctive privilege to change their mind anytime they want due to their hormonal feminity.


      To me that’s okay, even for my fickle-minded mother-in-law, but many surveys say this frequently causes traffic accidents. In several instances, President Obama changes his mind on critical issues that impact our economy and look at those economic “accidents” that caused us untold miseries.


     Science says that indecisiveness is not a monopoly of women … “a male steroid hormone produced in the testicles and responsible for the development …” of feminity could have been inborn to some mice – I mean, to some men.



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