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Comment by Dracula Tepish
Entered on:

first place they dont have a right along with their illegitimate bastard children if they come here pregnant to have their babies why not offer them this we will give you a free abortion so that dont have to stay and you are not needed here you are nothing but worthless eaters of food that is not yours and money you dont deserve and you dont deserve anything but to go home we are not in business for you garbage we hate you we dont love you go home take back your own country this country is not yours and never has been that treatie is bogus we won this land fair and square the land really belongs to one group of americans and you aint that your skin is not red you are brown this is oklahoma understand this we fought your ancestors once and destroyed them try it again and see what happens mia buendaho wetback

Comment by RickStone
Entered on:

 I agree, one illegal parent + one illegal parent does not =  one US citizen. It =s 3 illegal citizens !

Comment by anon coward
Entered on:

I see Frosty's frothing has brought out the authoritarian border "lever of control" crowd... You can't be pro-human liberty while simultaneously being a ra-ra cheerleader to the "us vs them" mentality of locking down and militarizing a border. But carry on, because the lever of power always feels good when it's in your hands, and not being used to crush your own skull. Furthermore, I'd rather have 100 "illegals" brave enough to do something really american, like protest *anything* than 100,000 american sheeple barely worthy of consuming their nightly dose of "Jersey Shores" programming.

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