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Comment by TL Winslow
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Sorry, but your mathematics don't compute, because people aren't numbers. I'm sure even you'd welcome 10 million new immigrants immediately, if they came from an advanced country you like. So it's really about the quality of the people in the numbers, isn't it? Well, these people are here and aren't going away, so what's your next proposal, mass extermination? Gimme a break, so what if some people make more money than other people, does that determine who should live and who should die? Why not just try to make room for everybody as long as your own rights to keep what you earn are protected, along with your rights to the same safety net? There will always be exclusive gated neighborhoods. If the U.S. goes totally Commie, over our dead bodies, we won't be around anyway.

The real waste is Mexico, whose 760K sq. mi. of territory and 5.8K mi. of coastline are still in the third world, right next door to us. A few simple legal steps and the U.S.-Mexico border could go kaput, permitting 2-way migration and pooling of resources to develop it as a U.S. sector, boosting the total GDP, so why try to bolster the failed unidirectional sieve paradigm? Are you made of money? Study my nonpartisan 7-step Megamerge Dissolution Solution and tell your friends and reps so we can develop and share the New World rather than let it turn into a ticking time bomb.

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