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Comment by Anonymous
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I wonder who is paying off the senile old fool now?   

Comment by Trouser Chili
Entered on:

I could find no such bill sponsored by McCain at  Seems like there are more important emails to block to advance the NWO agenda.

Sounds like urban legend.

Comment by stupid Amerkin
Entered on:

McCain is death himself.  Do the research behind the real truth on the POW's from the Viet Nam war. I would consider this criminal in the top 10 list of traitors.

Comment by Hawkeye
Entered on:

Do you expect the "Home of the Brave",or,"The land of the Free" to do anything about it do you....your a fool if you do.Americans are the most ignorant/self serving people on earth...why should they worry about what the Songbird does? They just don`t have the time for such things.


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