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Comment by TL Winslow
Entered on:

Yes, Frosty, you have examined every ramification of a new immigration act, except the ramification of adding 760K sq. mi. of new territory and 5.8K mi. of coastline to the continental U.S., along with the same pesky Mexican people you seem to think all want to live up north instead of down south under the right conditions, namely, development of the territory to the U.S. level, in exchange for extending the U.S. Constitution to it. Seven steps away, the nonpartisan Megamerge Dissolution Solution will permanently solve the U.S.-Mexico border problem by making the border expand to the sea and creating 10+ new states, with a total of 414 million citizens, who can then work together to share the New World in peace and prosperity in a model bilingual nation and define a new immigration policy vis a vis immigrants from overseas to the new expanded 60+ state U.S. Study the MMDS and tell your reps to at

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