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Comment by TL Winslow
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A certain leftist online pub. that shall remain alternately unnamed just posted an article claiming that Am. conservatives are turning Am. Muslims into the new McCarthyist target, and that this phobia about poor defenseless American Muslims who just want to survive and integrate into the melting pot will hurt the U.S. since it will be harder to find Arab-Americans to work as translators. Too bad they didn't sign up Maj. Nidal Hasan, he would have done a great job, did they ever hear of teaching non-Muslims Arabic for such sensitive positions? Frosty is right on about Islam, he's done his homework. It's not even a religion, it's an anti-religion that can't tolerate the existence of any others. Do your own homework online free and learn Islam's horrible 1400-year history going back to the 7th cent. with the Historyscoper to arm your mind with facts at 

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