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Comment by Jet Lacey
Entered on:

Mr. Lendman, 

I appreciate your vast knowledge, as well as your tireless research and efforts to educate the people about the state of world affairs but in this instance I must disagree with you wholeheartedly.

How could it possibly be within your scope of consideration to give 17% MORE of our economy to the same group of people who have utterly destroyed this nation for the sole benefit of the banks and corporations?  

Your diagnosis of the problems we face are usually dead-on, however your espoused treatment modality is always for more government intervention.  I wonder when or if you will ever realize that the government IS the problem and is never the solution?

People need adversity and incentive in order to grow as individuals.  It is the struggle for survival and a better standard of living that gives people the self-esteem and feelings of self-confidence that ignites them to excel.  Handouts do nothing but keep people down. 

Health care, like food, clothing, and shelter is not, nor shall it ever be a right.  Individuals need the freedom to make their own way in this world; to fail or succeed on their own terms.  It is individual liberty that makes a society great, not myriad Robin Hood-esque "steal from the rich and give to the poor" schemes. 

Why do you feel entitled to steal money from my pocket in order to give it to others?  What on God's green earth could possibly give you that right other than at the barrel of a gun?  Isn't that what you're ultimately saying?  Is it because you feel it is "the right thing to do?"  That Sir, is just like the title of Paul Craig Robert's book; "The Tyranny of Good Intentions."  The end result is still tyranny, and government always equals FORCE.

We flourished as a society when we were largely free to do as we wished, and we are utterly failing as a society now that we don't.

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