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Comment by RShackleford
Entered on:

What do you call it when they fire 1,200 undocumented janitors (aka Illegal aliens)

A good start!

Now they need to fine the employer and and throw them in jail!!!!

Comment by Ron Johnson
Entered on:

Maybe some (Documented - natural Born) Americans, of which there are now Millions unemployed can get some income. I owned & operated a Small Janitorial Service in the Seattle area in the 70's, and ABM would always undercut our (Small Businesses) bids.... I suspect they have been doing this for Decades!

Comment by RickStone
Entered on:

 I don't see anywhere in the article where they had deported the "undocumented democrats" WTF! Firing them only means they have to get another job. This like turning on the lights and the cockroaches scatter and thinking that you have cured the problem. Deport the illegals, jail the employers, clean up this country. Stand for something you spineless politicians and law enforcement !

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