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Comment by TL Winslow
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The reason that the West is acting surprised at jihadists like the Beltway Snipers and Maj. Nidal Hisan, and attempting to find reasons why they're victims not victimizers is pure ignorance of Islam's 1400-year history. It all started back in 1683, when the Ottoman empire's military threat to the West ended, allowing the West to rocket ahead in every category of civilization while quarantining the Muslim world, which remained in the Medieval Ages as the Sick Man of Europe until WWI kicked the Ottoman empire's can, after which the West falsely believed that Islam was dead except as a name, only to be surprised by "fundamentalist" terrorists, which they thought were falling for all the Western "education" they were getting that the Quran is for display purposes only, let's not even mention Darwin and Marx.

Sorry, Islam never dies until you get rid of every last one of its believers along with the Quran. So, if you're still an Islam history ignoramus, it's getting dangerous not to take the time to finally acquaint yourself with the rise, spread, and real doctrines of good ole fashioned fundamentalist Islam before the next wet bloody surprise on American soil. Where is the best place to learn it fast accurate and free online? The Historyscoper, just click

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