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Comment by TL Winslow
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Good job quoting Anglophile white supremacist Teddy Big Stick Rosegarden. Why don't you go even further back and quote Jefferson Davis and John C. Calhoun too? You're sick :)

You mention Balkanization. Yes, them Balkans are a bitch, because people refuse to accept each other's existence and are ready to kill each other to commit genocide at the drop of a hat. And it isn't about race or culture per se. Horrible Islam started it all, I guess there's no answer other than wiping all billion of them out, where's your article on that?

But when it comes to the U.S., hardcore fundamentalist Muslims still are practically nonexistent, so why don't we try to be better than the Balkans and learn to accept each others' existence and set an example for the world? Your article seems to call for racial-cultural war, and is counterproductive. Mexicans are not the Huns, and Mexico is our ally. So what if they speak Spanish? If Henry VIII's first wife Catherine of Aragon had been more fertile, or the weather had been fine in 1588, we all might be speaking it too. Instead, he broke with the Catholic Church and started a cultural war with Spain that you're still hepped up on 500 years later, and in the New World too boot, how sad. Big deal, you went to Cinco de Mayo in Denver and they refused to sell you a burrito or something, so what? If they knew about your incendiary articles, you might be worse off. Why not turn over a new leaf and work to end grudges and heal wounds instead of the reverse? It's like rebooting an operating system with new parameters, try it, it's never too late. War is only supposed to be the last alternative, not the first. If the Last Best Hope U.S. is devastated by race war... forget it, you know it all.

Comment by PresidentDon
Entered on:

 Multi culture is exactly that, only our invaders insist they want to end the culture of their host country.  They insist we allow them to fly their flag, to burn the American flag. When the Muslims invade a nation, they insist they still have the right to continue Honor killing of family members. They are religiously driven to kill any non-believers. Is that the Multi you want for America? I want to defend America, but I'm told I'm racist if I make any negative remarks about the destruction I see in what had been a beautiful community, now trashed.

I'm not blinded by patriotism, but this nation offered citizens and immigrants the advantage of a better life. Now with the exportation of our industrial base, our nation has NO future. We are being told by those we invited to join us, to leave and turn this nation over to them. We are told we must look the other way when they are trashing American life styles.

In my community where Hispanics are 50% of the population, I'm suppose to learn Spanish to get employment, to ignore the grafitti on the walls and fences in the community, vulgar messages that my community is now divided in to gang areas, and that if asked "Where you from" that I might be shot, if I ignore them, or say the wrong thing. Is this the Multi I should accept?

When the local library throws out a 100,000 books in English, and replaces them with books in Spanish, is the the Multi of my future in America. WRONG, I will not accept that future for America. Either the immigrants accept our standards of life and behavour or they are out of here.

I will defend America, I will clean up America, I will restore our industry, I will stop the invasion of our borders, I will give illegal aliens 30 days to leave this nation peacefully, after that they are targets. I will pledge to teach our citizens to elect patriots to office to continue this nation to restore  Pride in this nation. If you don't like America my way, then leave. English is our language, actually the nation of most of the world, and I will not cave in to threats to take over our way of life. America First.

PresidentDon will do this, Obama will continue to destroy our sovereignty, and turn us over to the New World Order.

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