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Opponents of critically needed health care reform continue to demonstrate how out of touch they are with working America—and in a recent egregious comment by a House Republican, the opposition has also insulted the nation’s seniors. Here’s what Florida Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite said Tuesday on the House floor: “Last week, Democrats released a health care bill which essentially said to America’s seniors: ‘Drop dead.’ ” Tony Fransetta, president of the Florida Alliance for Retired Americans, is outraged by Brown-Waite’s injudicious and downright ugly comment.

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Comment by Randynaz
Entered on:

 I think he is right, obamas healthcare plan sucks...

Comment by TheRockster
Entered on:

If you read the bill, that's pretty well what it does say. Why are they vilifying her for saying what's so? It's the damned Democrats and President that are saying "Drop dead," not the lady that quoted them.

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