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Entered on:

you are missing the point. this was sold to kids as easy identification by the police state. eyewhitness... i dont remember what he looked like... but he had a tatoo. combine tatoos with facebook, myspace... makes the NSAs job easy.

Comment by Linkin Wolvghang
Entered on:

It people that are so ignorant like you that make people want to be different even more. More unique. After randomly reading this I was disgusted. You are a complete and utter disgrace to writing. No one cares about your gay jolly cycling adventures. Tattoos represent a time in someones life. When you are 30 like you say 50 times you can look back and say "hey this was a time in my life that I enjoyed ...", it can be a somewhat time line if you will. Having a tattoo to me is loving art. Permanent art on your body is beautiful to some.  Its all about understanding and being respectful not ignorant and foolish with words like you. By the way fact is that if you get a tattoo in your younger years it will form naturally with your body even with muscle gain.

So p.s. please swallow your words next time.

Comment by vanversive
Entered on:

Kudos to you for being a good dancer. It sounds like you are saying that every person who gets a tattoo is a loser and never does anything worthwhile with themselves because they are too busy getting people to notice them for skin art. You would be surprised how many successful men and women have tattoos are proud of their tattoos and for them it’s not a popularity contest but an expression of art.


Comment by Ken Lundquist
Entered on:

"My body may be a temple but i am the god to whom it is devoted, do not presume to tell me how i may decorate my altar."

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