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Comment by JustinTyme
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This link requires a $109.00 subscription to the Capital Times.

Comment by AnAJLibertyLover
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I was going to recommend Konopnicki contact Sen. Kyl for an endorsement, but having checked out Kyl's website, even he thinks guest workers should be diminished in a bad economy. (I call Bull%%%% by the way, the following is most certainly spin).

from Sen. Kyl website....
It would have put in place an electronic verification system to ensure that only employees who are legally eligible to work in the country can get jobs, and it would have implemented a temporary worker program tied to the needs of our economy. When the need for additional workers arises, more could be admitted, but when jobs are scarce, even for Americans, temporary work visas would not be issued or renewed.

Comment by Veritas Vincit
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Cut and Paste this link, the article is the 6th one down - this avoids the subscription page:

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