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Comment by Checkpoint USA
Entered on:

Thank you for documenting your experience at the I-8 suspicionless Homeland Security roadblock and sharing it with us. Unfortunately, your experience is far from unique.

I can only hope that as folks continue to read these accounts, more will be emboldened to document their own experiences and speak out against this creeping tyranny taking place within the borders of the United States of America.

Comment by KittyAntonikWakfer
Entered on:
Dave, if you took note of the federal agents' names - they properly should have been wearing name tags - please print that information.

Making known the identity of government enforcers is the only way that most people will come to know who they are - possibly even discover that one or more are people they actually know. With this information others who disagree with the actions of these agents, or simply that they are government enforcers at all, can socially preference against them.

Having large numbers of people refuse to voluntarily interact with them, is highly likely to result in many of these government enforcers questioning the worth of retaining the jobs they have chosen - ones in which they initiate physical harm on others. I can't imagine that very many of the legislators/executives/judges would go out into the country and enforce any of the laws/regulations/decrees they have legislated/signed/decreed. These depend on people who are willing to do the enforcing - the enforcers are the key. And negative social preferencing against them is a powerful tool, but requires their identity being known, not a difficult task in this Internet age.

**Kitty Antonik Wakfer

MoreLife for the rational -
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Self-Sovereign Individual Project -
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Comment by Keith Cyrnek
Entered on:

 Dave, I'm Keith Cyrnek 928 380 4040 email 

I and a few likeminded (Freedom's Phoenix Friends - including Terry Bressi) friends are going to place a trailer up near the checkpoint.  Are you interested in helping?


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