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Comment by Ernest Hancock
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Blackater's new Ship

Comment by Brock
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This is great news. Forget for a minute that Prince has not grown this company organically. This is a private company providing private defense services to private individuals (shipping companies and shippers).

There is a HUGE free-rider problem here. If Blackwater succeeds in making the Gulf of Aden safer, any ship transiting that region that isn't paying Blackwater is an identifiable free-rider, yet Blackwater is willing to offer the service anyway.

Were it another company. However, I'm willing to take proof where I find it.

Comment by Fascist Nation
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As much as I do not like Blackwater Brock, that was exactly my first thought. My second was if I started a mercenary company and provided this serve being based out of the US I would be arrested for operating a mercenary group and interfering in the USA's foreign business. And if I ran my company outside the USA I would be killed for being a pirate.

Comment by Brock
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Yes and no. Although I don't have it at my fingertips, via a mid-90's version of "The Worlds Most Dangerous Places" being a mercenary removes the protections of the international Law of Armed Conflict and may trigger revocation of sponsorship by the State Dept., however it is not technically illegal under US law.

Quite a mouthful, I know, but the trick is to always pick the winning side. That's the market regulation of this job.

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