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Comment by James Higginbotham
Entered on:

the IRS lol.
ALL preachers NEED to get out of BED with the IRS, whos God is the DEVIL.
and under the 1ST AMENDMENT they can preach about ANY TOPIC.
and advice their people about WHOM is running for what office? and if they want a candident to come to their church to explain to better help the PEOPLE be more INFORMED..
then its NONE of the business of the IRS, or Government.

Comment by McElchap
Entered on:

The American Revolution was born in the pulpits of colonial churches where bold pastors applied biblical principles to the current events of their day, their struggles with tyranny. Many Christian men marched behind their pastors straight from the pews into battle, with the cry of "NO KING BUT KING JESUS!". The "Spirit of '76" was one of revival for Truth, Justice, and Liberty for All. It was the origin of our American Heritage of Freedom in a Constitutional Republic. Let's rekindle that spirit in America today and liberate our churches from the shackles of the IRS!

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