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Comment by William Patriot
Entered on:
Frosty, Well done !
May I interject a thought ? We have become advisors of band aid policy. We continue to be focused upon what to do about immediat crisis which are thrown in our face one after another. This is the ploy to keep us too buisy to focus on the source of the problems.
We could easily absorbe continued immigration IF
we educate those who come to this country to the facts, they have been duped by lies to cause chaos instead of unity for the benefit of all.
They, through our efforts , will become aware of the ploy of this government, to cause conflict between races,religeons,cultural,and political beliefs. When they and citizens of this country unite and understand what is really the dictitorial
agenda to make us all bow to them, and no one will be free to follow their hopes and asperations.
Each and every one of us must inform those who are ignorant to this reality. A grape vine of truth must be established to counter the controlled news media.
IF this occurs, even the illegal aliens will see the light and join a true revolution,that will cause this governments' plan to backfire in their attempts at a new world order.
We have no alternative but to expose this and create a unity which will confuse the evil surrounding us.
Although there are many illegals from around the world intering the USA, The ones who come in hopes of a better life, should be granted it,If they join the effort I have suggested.
Naturally at the same time, it is up to us, with their aid, to reject the non desirables who are sent here to interject chaos and to be parasites through the welfare system or crime. The aid of those who are familiar with these undesirables will be most desirable in this quest.
We must counter all forms of propaganda and unite ! It can and must be accomplished for the iceberg has done it's damage, there is no stopping the flow, therefore we must turn it to our advantage.
This influx of people can become patriots of freedom when they realize they have been had.

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