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Comment by jm
Entered on:

Great article! This WAS a victory for the tax-paying, law-abiding citizens of America. McCain, et al. were in denial about the economy-crippling costs of the bill; they didn't want to face up to that
because to do so would be to admit that their beloved welfare state was a TOTAL FAILURE!!
Well, we the people understand. We are not racists. We are not bigots. We also understand that hospitals, schools cannot be created out of thin air, that someone has to work to produce them. We are hardworking men and women of every race and color. And the PC politically correct crowd in Washington didn't think we "got it." But we did. And we made them back down (for now). We said NO to lawbreaking, NO to redistributionist welfare, NO to rewarding sloth while punishing success. We understand what enables us to live so well in America (hard work, the rule of law), and how blessed we are to be Americans. And we gave the politicos in Wshington an important lesson.

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