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Niger will soon become an oil exporter after the commissioning of the longest oil pipeline...

Written by Subject: Africa: On the Map

The new????????????????oil pipeline will connect the Agadem Rift Basin oil field with Port of Some on the Gulf of Guinea, stretching for 2,000 km and with a 90,000 barrels per day of capacity. This will transform Niger into a significant regional oil producer and exporter.

The pipeline plan has been approved in 2019 and aims to exploit the 1 billion barrel of oil reserves.

According to????????authorities, reserves could be double this amount.

Oil production could generate a "quarter of the country's GDP" and about 50% of Niger's tax revenue.

Niger has a refinery with around 20,000 bpd capacity.

The estimates of????????China's state-owned CNPC investments in production and the????????????????Niger-Benin pipeline construction are around $6 billion.

With the colonial French oppressors removed and requests for Russian military aid the future looks bright.