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Hegemon USA Using White Helmets and ISIS in Ukraine

Written by Subject: Ukraine

Hegemon USA Using White Helmets and ISIS in Ukraine

by Stephen Lendman

Dominant Biden regime hardliners, the Pentagon and CIA are increasingly frantic over losing the battle of Ukraine to superior Russian military strength, tactical skills and intelligence capabilities.

Using poorly trained, poorly armed, unmotivated to fight Ukrainians as proxies to wage US war Russia is like matching octogenarian me against the world's reigning heavyweight boxing title holder in a no-holds-barred fight to the finish.

So what can the empire of lies do under these conditions?

Throwing billions of dollars at Ukraine for weapons et al hasn't worked — so the Biden regime and Congress are supplying its thuggish Nazi proxies with more of the same for Russia to target and destroy.

Dominant US dark forces also deployed Al-Qaeda-linked White Helmets to Ukraine.

Their gangster ranks have nothing to do with civil defense, nothing to do with furthering peace over endless wars, nothing related to helping populations where they're sent.

Commenting earlier on their presence in Syria for perpetual war on its long-suffering people, the Syria Solidarity Movement called them Al-Qaeda "with a facelift."

They foster terrorism and imperial rampaging on the phony pretext of humanitarian intervention that's unrelated to their US-controlled mission.

Serving US imperial interests, they perpetuate war instead of the other way around.

Commenting on their presence in Ukraine last month, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the following:

"I have no doubt…that this pseudo-humanitarian organization is a US/NATO imperial tool."

Along with involvement in other crimes of war and against humanity, they'll be used by the empire of lies to stage "chemical provocations" and other false flags to be wrongfully blamed on Russia.

According to Russian intelligence on Tuesday:

The Biden regime "is actively recruiting members of international terrorist organizations, including the Islamic State (ISIS) group banned in the Russian Federation, as mercenaries to participate in hostilities in Ukraine."

US dark forces are "us(ing) any means" to pursue their diabolical aims.

Russian intelligence learned that an illegally established Pentagon/CIA base and surrounding area in Syria near the Jordanian border was transformed into a US hub for training ISIS and likeminded terrorists.

Hundreds of these jihadists were sent to Ukraine to aid its Nazified thugs and conscripts wage US proxy war on Russia.

Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) minced no words saying the following:

Hegemon USA is "us(ing) any means to achieve its geopolitical goals, not excluding sponsoring international terrorist groups…even when it comes to threats to the security of European allies and even to the lives of Americans."

Wanting forever war waged on Russia, the empire of lies is mindless about the risk of pushing things toward direct East/West confrontation in pursuit of its diabolical aims.

According to Sergey Lavrov, hegemon USA wants the world community of nations "to do (its) bidding" — even at the risk of crossing the line to WW III.

It wants its extrajudicial "rules-based order" imposed on other nations.

It wants its interests served at the expense of other nations and their people.

Independent countries like Russia, China, Iran and others are targeted for regime change by whatever it takes for the empire of lies to achieve its diabolical aims.

Even its Western and other allies are targeted to be subservient to US interests as junior partners — their people exploited like all others worldwide.

Remaining free requires defeat of monster USA before it enslaves us all or destroys planet earth in pursuit of its megalomaniacal aims.