Mass-Jabbing Madness, Biowarfare with Genocide and Tyranny in Mind

Written by Subject: Health and Physical Fitness

Mass-Jabbing Madness, Biowarfare with Genocide and Tyranny in Mind

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Dante's Hell no longer is fiction.

America and the West increasingly resemble it.

Things are fast heading for "(a)bandoning hope, all ye who (live) here" — without mass rebellion against abolition of what remains of free and open Western societies.

Largely gone already, their remnants are fast disappearing.

According to ChildWelfare.gov, all US states, the nation's capital, and colonized territories "have statutes providing for the termination of parental rights by" court order.

If lost, so is the parent/child relationship.

Children may be placed for adoption without parental consent — on the pretext of "securing a more stable, permanent family environment."

If court ordered, separating children from parents can happen involuntarily.

Each state has its own statutory grounds that range from legitimate concerns of abuse or neglect to refusal by parents to be jabbed — or have their children jabbed — with harmful to health flu/covid drugs.

In 2020, the Michigan Court of Appeals ruled that all approved vaccines best serve the interests of minor children (sic), requiring them to be administered.

According to the American Bar Association (ABA), anti-vax parents have "a huge burden proving to a court of law why it is not in the best interest of (a) minor child to be" jabbed for alleged protection against various diseases. 

It remains to be seen how federal and state courts will rule on flu/covid jabbing issues beyond what's already been rendered.

In response to Indiana University's mandate for students, faculty and staff on campus to be jabbed for flu/covid protection not gotten, 8 students sued to overturn the mandate — claiming their 14th Amendment right to bodily autonomy and due process was violated.

US District Court Judge Damon Leichty ruled that IU acted reasonably to protect public health (sic). 

In response to the students' appeal, the 7th US Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a request to put the university's mass-jabbing policy on hold during the appeals process.

In mid-August, US Supreme Court right-wing ideologue justice Amy Barrett sided with IU and Pharma — without involving other justices to weigh in on this crucial issue.

Her refusal to address this issue followed two lower court rulings for IU and Pharma against public health as it should be.

These draconian rulings bode ill judicially for the right to health, well-being and public safety in the US nationwide.

Other state and federal courts are likely to go the same way ahead if further suits are filed for judicial help to stop what harms health.

According to some legal experts, courts are likely to side with businesses, schools, and authorities in charge of other public places to permit flu/covid mass-jabbing on the dubious grounds of protecting health.

Unlike virtually all vaccines approved pre-2020 — following years of trials — experimental mRNA drugs and vaccines for flu/covid were permitted to be used despite inadequate development.

In a separate ruling for Houston Methodist Hospital against 117 wrongfully terminated staff for refusing toxic flu/covid jabs, US District Judge Lynn Hughes said no violations of wrongful termination occurred.

Last month, the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission also said businesses may mandate flu/covid jabs for employees.

According to personal injury attorney Jared Woodfill for terminated Houston Methodist Hospital staff:

"This legal battle has only just begun. Employment should not be conditioned upon whether you will agree to serve as a human guinea pig."

Because of the importance of this issue, the ABA expects an increasing number of cases headed for judicial resolution.

In Chicago, Rebecca Firlit told Fox News that Cook County Judge James Shapiro revoked her parental rights until jabbed for flu/covid.

Her attorney Annette Fernholz the following in response to the draconian ruling:

"In this case, you have a judge, without any matter before him regarding the parenting time with the child deciding, 'Oh, you're not (jabbed)." 

"You don't get to see your child until you are jabbed. That exceeds his jurisdiction" — harming mother and child.

She legally declined because of adverse reactions from other jabs.

In Britain, children aged-12 - 15 are being involuntarily jabbed without parental consent — a crime against humanity not punished.

In response to practicing medicine that prioritizes healing over politicized treatments designed to harm health, America's Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) and many others like them have been maliciously demeaned by press agents for US/Western dark forces and Pharma.

They've been threatened with suspension or revocation of their license to practice medicine as it should be.

Jabs provide no protection from flu/covid, AFLDS explained, adding:

They risk "serious side effects, including death" when taken as directed.

Doctors and scientists know that "natural immunity is far superior (more robust, longer lasting)" than what's falsely alleged from jabs.

"(P)hysician independence and patient choice" are crucial to protect health and save lives, AFLDS stressed. 

A Final Comment

Through August 20, the latest CDC reported VAERS data showed over 623,000 adverse events, over 84,000 serious ones and nearly 14,000 deaths from flu/covid jabs since last December.

Representing a minute fraction of the true toll, there's no ambiguity that millions of Americans, millions more in Europe, and millions elsewhere have been irreversibly harmed by toxic flu/covid jabs — their lifespans shortened.

Countless millions more will be harmed the longer this madness continues. 

VISIT MY WEBSITE: stephenlendman.org (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

"How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War"


"Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity"



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