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WaPo: Imposter Guaido's Press Agent

Written by Subject: Venezuela

WaPo: Imposter Guaido's Press Agent

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

At the expense of the general welfare, virtually all establishment media provide press agent services for corporate America and the US imperial agenda, its war on humanity at home and abroad, along with backing despots the US supports and wannabe ones like usurper-in-waiting Guaido.

He's a political nobody artificially elevated to prominence by the power of propaganda, a pathetic figure too inept to achieve objectives assigned him by his Trump regime handlers.

It's why he's expendable and replaceable, an issue I explained earlier and discussed in a same-day article.

For the moment, the neocon/CIA connected Washington Post is front and center in providing him with press agent services, featuring an interview with him, promoting him, along with giving him a platform to lie, distort and deceive.

Like other establishment media, WaPo ignores his treason and other high crimes against the state and its people, pretending his illegitimacy is legitimate. 

Nothing in Venezuelan law supports his self-proclaimed interim president status, a Trump regime scheme, using him to implement it. More on WaPo's interview with him below.

Venezuela is the hemisphere's preeminent social democracy, a fact I stress repeatedly because it's key to understanding what's going on in the country.

The Trump regime plot is the latest in a long line of US coup attempts, wanting what ordinary Venezuelans cherish replaced with US-controlled fascist tyranny — along with gaining control over the world's largest oil reserves.

Neocon extremist John Bolton actually admitted it's about the oil, stupid. It's also about gaining another imperial trophy at the expense of popular rights, the rule of law, and regional stability.

Guaido is widely reviled, his support coming from well-off Venezuelans. Numbers turning out to hear his anti-Bolivarian rants are dwindling.

Huge numbers assemble to hear Maduro, notably on May Day. Observers on the ground noted the massive Chavista march to the presidential palace to hear his address.

Venezuela Analysis reported that "marchers celebrated with music, dancing and colorful banners while expressing their commitment to the defense of their homeland and the achievements of the Bolivarian Revolution against the aggression of the US and it's right-wing allies."

The commitment of Venezuela's military and millions of its ordinary people to preserving and protecting Bolivarianism is a powerful deterrent to the Trump regime's aim to destroy it.

Previous articles discussed last Tuesday's tempest in a teapot fiasco insurrection, a pathetic stunt put down in hours.

There was no chance whatever for it to succeed. Most soldiers involved surrendered to authorities straightaway when realized they were duped.

They wanted no part of an uprising against the government and Bolivarianism. A handful alone defected. Initiated in an upscale Caracas neighborhood, the plot had no chance to succeed.

It only drew world attention, getting establishment media to rally in unison for Guaido supportively, instead of responsibly denouncing him and the Trump regime's coup plot.

So-called Operation Llibertat was largely prelude to what Trump regime hardliners have in mind next. Options include a full-scale embargo, proxy war with CIA-supplied weapons, direct US military intervention, or a combination of all three, along with more illegal sanctions.

In my judgment, the plot to oust Maduro and crush Bolivarian social democracy won't end as long as DJT remains in office, surrounded by hardline extremists running his geopolitical agenda. 

What's going on has a long way to go. I believe a proxy war is most likely, similar to what Trump's point man for regime change in Venezuela Elliott Abrams orchestrated during the 1980s in Central America, causing a bloodbath, continuing for years. 

Guaido lied claiming "he expected Maduro to step down (on Tuesday) amid a groundswell of defectors within the military," according to WaPo. Chance of that happening was zero!

WaPo: "Instead, Guaido's call for the rank and file and senior brass to abandon Maduro did not produce mass defections. Maduro's security forces then quelled street protests and left Guaido's US-backed opposition on its heels."

Guaido explained the fiasco as follows, saying: "Maybe because we still need more soldiers, and maybe we need more (Maduro) officials to be willing to support it, to back the constitution."

Under Venezuelan law, the actions of Guaido and his henchmen are unconstitutional and treasonous. He should have been arrested and imprisoned weeks ago, his likely fate ahead unless able to escape cross-border or to the confines of a supportive embassy.

Asked if he'd welcome US military intervention, he said he'd likely go along. It's not his call, he failed to explain.

His role is following orders from his Trump regime handlers, saluting and obeying, what providing puppet services is all about.

Incompetent Guaido was ill-chosen for the role he's playing — perhaps heading for a fall at the hands of US hardliners, wanting him eliminated as a pretext for what Pompeo, Bolton, and Abrams intend next.

Guaido lied claiming "many Venezuelan soldiers" and some Maduro officials (sic) support regime change.

WaPo: "(T)he unraveling (of last Tuesday's fiasco) generated rifts within the opposition. Some of its senior leaders have issued recriminations over what went wrong. The sniping risks robbing the opposition of what became its single strongest asset in recent months: unity."

Guaido pathetically claimed "there's absolute unity" — likely not after two-and-a-half months of consistent failures.

WaPo: "(A) march called by Guaido (for Saturday) largely fizzled," small numbers alone turning out. Guaido was absent from the demonstration he called. 

What happened was symbolic of the coup plot's failure, along with growing contempt for and opposition to the Trump regime's designated puppet.

His call to arms against Maduro has been and remains an abject failure, why Trump regime hardliners may eliminate him as a pretext for stepped up efforts against Maduro.

Venezuelan intelligence likely identified elements allied with the Trump regime and Guaido, arresting some, others to come, including cutting off the head of the snake when ruling authorities decide the time is right.

What hardliners in charge of Trump's geopolitical agenda intend next remains to be seen — admitting defeat and quitting not an option.

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